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Give and get support around quitting


In support of nic gum?

Chewing 4mg gum. 48 hours away from last smoke. I hope it's okay to chew--for now. Has anyone achieved success this way? Should I set a quit for the gum too? YIKES!  And--thank you!  

20 Replies

Hi, my sister has been on the gum for about 7 years. The doctor said as long as she wasn't smoking that was all that mattered. Good Luck.


redpepper  Hi...28 days ago I quit smoking. I used the lozenges.  I began with 4mg.  The directions said to use 1 every 1-2 hours.  I didn't need that many. Every day I used less until I was using 1 in the morning upon waking, and 1 after each meal.  I've cut the lozenges in Half making them 2mg. I wanted off the NRT...I didn't want to keep feeding the nicotine into my system. I haven't used them for over a week! So my body is now nicotine free  They did help me tremendously getting through the first part of my quit journey.  I now use Altoids to pop in my mouth when the urges hit.  They help and keep my breath fresh.  I have a friend who used the gum...little by little she would replace the nicotine gum with a piece of regular gum until she wasn't using the nicotine gum at all.  I wish you the best.  As everyone says...stay close to this, read, read. If you haven't already gotten the book.  I highly recommend Allen Carr's easy way to quit smoking.   


Awesome feedback and support. Thank you! 

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Don't worry about setting a quit date for the gum. Keep learning about nicotine addiction and quitting smoking. Good job and keep adding up those smoke-free days. Just follow the directions that come with the gum and see how you feel from day to day. Your primary concern is N O.P.E. Not one puff ever. 

How to Quit Smoking for Good 


Right on. I'm on it! Thanks so much. 


Some use NRT and some don't.  This time I'm used Welbutrin and nicotrol inhalers. You have to do what works for you and I agree with just following the instructions for the gum.  I used the inhalers sparingly at first  and rarely do now, but my doctor also said he didn't care if I used them the rest of my life.  I sure beats smoking.   Just stay positive about your quit, stay close to this site, and don't cause yourself added stress worrying about the gum.

116 DOF


Yahoo. We are doing this, aren't we?!!!! 


WE ARE doing this!!  How does it feel!? I always looked at people wearing oxygen, and wondered how they could still be smoking....but that's just how strong the addiction is!   You have to make up your mind once and for all to just be done!  Keep telling yourself that..... "I want to BREATH"  "I want to LIVE"   "I want to be FREE"  

When you do that, you will most assuredly succeed!  It really is One Day At a Time!   and N.O.P.E.


Thanks, Sandy! 


Absolutely.   Keep up the good work.

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