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Give and get support around quitting


Imagine this

A fisherman is in a boat under some trees.  Each time he cast his line it gets stuck in the trees.   In order to be able to continue to cast he has to either move or cut the line.  Compare it to quit smoking.  Until we are willing to move forward, not look back and cut the line from cigarettes and not allowing smoking to be an option we will be stuck in a trap. 

Think about how much you want to be free and stay free from this nicotine addiction.  You have to be willing to do whatever is necessary to cut the line.  No matter what.  No EXcuses, by never taking  Not one puff ever,  NOPE ....will set you free. 

In the beginning it may be difficult but it is worth starting, taking one day at a time with the support of EX to stay free.  So many here have done it and keep doing . Your life depends on it.

There are some who may be dealing may with life threatening illnesses due to smoking and still are afraid (brainwashed) that you cannot let go.  Get the brain unwashed and educate yourself about nicotine addiction. Debunk the brainwashing and know that you can do this.  Get out of the trap and stay out by educating yourself.   

Education is the key to a successful quit. 

Don’t let smoking be an option.

Read: Freedom from Nicotine My Journey Home and Nicotine Addiction 101

Here are the links

Get free and stay free.  Your life depends upon it.

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3 Replies

Simply beautiful!!  You give hope to those who may feel hopeless, Jackie...what a gift you are!!  This is truly lovely.  Honest and informative and wise. 

0 Kudos

Great, Jackie! This is wonderful! Such great information and inspiring words. But you are so right about the education. We need to educate ourselves.

0 Kudos

... or cut the tree down.

= )

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