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Im anxious... now craving

I'm so anxious right now. I have been doing so well with my quit and my anxiety, I forgot my rule of only 1 cup of coffee in evening. So I had 3. Now im anxious and want a cig. 

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15 Replies

Great job!!  

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Keep stacking those Days! Heck Week here you come! You CAN do this! Giulia reminds us that we never want to forget or repeat Week One! The only way to do that is to carry on!


Thanks for posting this! I just celebrated one week myself. I am glad that you are here for support!


Yay for you you, keep moving forward and stacking up your precious DOF, you're going to rock right through heck wk, one precious smoke free day at a time.....

have you considered instead of coffee buying coffee flavored candies?  I love Nips, made by Nestle.  I buy them at my grocery store or Walgreens sells them.

Image result for nips candy


It helps me to get out and if not walking just going somewhere. I love to shop and I can spend hours doing that.  It keeps my mind off smoking. I have to say if I'm sitting around like I am right now in the hotel suite while our house is being repaired after a house fire I am having a hard time and not anxious just bored. I'm getting ready to go for a doctor appointment and that ought to keep me occupied. Hang in there I only have 9 days. But it seems like a lot more!