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Give and get support around quitting


Im absolutely scared outta my mind as i approach my quit date of 01/01/2018

I desperately need some encouragement as I approach my quit day. 01/01/2018. Am I THE only one who has or had anxiety before my quit date?

119 Replies

I was a total anxiety packet before my quit. Luckily for me, I had a plan to deal with it in little chunks of time - little BITTY BITTY chunks of time in the beginning. Don't think of the long haul. Think of this minute. Stay quit for a moment at a time. And join the pledge. It's a great tool 

Looking forward to a great smoke-free 2018 for you! 



Weren't we ALL scared?  Breaking it down into "chunks of time" is brilliant, Pati.  It is NOT an event.


You are so ready for a successful quit!

~Kathy 617


    The disease of nicotine addiction needs to be treated not just in the physical sense of withdrawal. The mental (emotional) and spiritual aspects of our dis-ease must also be considered to maintain a permanent and peace of mind quit. A dose of fear (one of many human feelings) used in a positive way can be a powerful part of finding success in the fight of our lives against nicotine addiction. DO NOT FEAR the quit. Not quitting will have far more dire consequences then choosing a smober nicotine free lifestyle. The battle against nicotine addiction requires us to use all the weapons at our disposal to fight this war for our lives. Nic-gum, nic-patch, drugs or acupuncture may help the physical dis-ease but are NOT a permanent solution for nicotine addiction. 12 step recovery programs have proven to maintain success with nicotine and other addiction. We have admitted we have a problem with nicotine... We have made a decision to quit... We just need to keep stepping forward to the choice of freedom from nicotine. Become an Ex, Nic-Anon and 1-800-QUIT-NOW have been a successful road for me to maintain continuous smobriety since 7-21-2012. That was day before my 60 birthday. Also bought my first brand new car. Whatever it takes! 1-18-2018 2,000 smoke free one day at a times for me!  We can do this. YOU can do this! Alllll ABOARD the Freedom Train!  Happy New nicotine free Day.. Year.... Life!


I am hoping your Day One becomes a Day WON!  Take it one second at a time if you need to!  I was once told a craving lasts 7 seconds.  You may have several cravings in a row which make it seem to last longer than 7 seconds....just remember you can choose not to smoke for 7 seconds!  Then rinse and repeat!

You've got this!



Welcome to Ex and Happy New Year !!!You have made a great decision this year !

My first thought is begin to think positive ! Every time you have a fearful thought change it with a positive one !

For example : I am scared to death to quit smoking .....I made the decision to quit because I want to do it I am excited about the challenge !

God bless you and stick with Ex I smokedfor 52 years and now I am Free ....1,058 days free ! 

You can do it !


Hy everyone. One more guy who will stop smoking. At least I hope so.

I have a question. Did anyone think that one of the fears we face when we want to quit smoking is that it will truly enable us to be the best. Are we simply too afraid of beeing too good? It is easier to stand up with a smoke?

0 Kudos

Smokers who are still smoking have no idea what quitting smoking can do for their self respect and positive movement that smoking stifles.  It takes time as a non smoker to realize the grip smoking had on our lives.


Hope is not a good tool to use in quitting smoking, Ivan_EU .  There is education, preparation, planning and commitment.  We can help with all but the last!  We all hid our emotions (and perhaps our real selves) behind that cloud when we smoked.  We took a break and smoked when things were uncomfortable or difficult.  When we quit, we need to face life head on - that's part of the process of quitting.  I think self confidence is greatly enhanced when we conquer this addiction  -  and that is ALL good!  Perhaps you are using the fear you express as an excuse to keep smoking?  Addicts use LOTS of those.  I actually had myself believing that if I ate a healthy diet, kept myself in a Size 8 and exercised every day I could negate the bad effects of my smoking.   Boy, was I WRONG!  Actually, any thinking that keeps you smoking is faulty,  There is NEVER a good reason to smoke; there are only excuses! 

I wrote a blog and sought input from our members for those who are newly quit (or getting ready) that you might find helpful: 




Congrats! I also loved to smoke.. It was a pleasure of mine..  Not worth the health risks, for sure..  I have been quit now for over 2700 days.. That's around 7 1/2 years. This is a great community. Coming here had everything to do with my success in quitting.. Welcome to EX!