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Give and get support around quitting


Im absolutely scared outta my mind as i approach my quit date of 01/01/2018

I desperately need some encouragement as I approach my quit day. 01/01/2018. Am I THE only one who has or had anxiety before my quit date?

119 Replies

Thank you Shashort.  Final countdown.  Tomorrow I will join the non-smokers.  A little nervous, but determined.  I've washed my favorite pajamas to put on tonight so I can wake up smoke free and smelling fresh.  We are heading up to Connecticut tomorrow to join our family in the traditional New Year day celebration.  It will be nice to go as a non-smoker.  In the past I've had to sneak outside in the freezing cold to smoke and then came in knowing I reached of cigarettes.  I plan on checking in the this forum everyday as part of my quit.  Thanks for the welcome and see you around.


follow the steps under My Quit plan, do the tracking of cigarettes, understand when and why you smoke, start cutting down now.  It was easier for me when I was down to about 5 a day after smoking 2 - 3 packs a day.  and I really concentrated on how it felt every time I inhaled, the burning of the throat, the dizziness, at times difficulty breathing right afterwards.

We were addicted to Nicotine. That addiction drove our addictive thoughts 24/7. But it can't own us! There is another part of the brain - Executive Control - that brought you here today. Executive Control is trying to decide that if I don't Quit - I'll die therefore - I'll quit!

That makes that addictive part of our Brains go 100% bonkers and conjure up every single excuse it can come up with as to why you shouldn't quit. When it loses that argument - and it will - the next in line is why can't I have just one right now? It will needle you in all kinds of ways - drive you up a wall - but it can't make you smoke!

The only part that can make you smoke is Executive Control - the Decision Maker. So this is the part that can make you Free as well. But it needs action. Or might I say an inaction - no smoking no matter what! Given a chance the addictive thoughts - full of lies - get straightened out - the smoke cloud lifts and the lies are revealed in the full light of Truth!

At this point it take a leap of Faith into an unknown or unrecalled time before we were addicted and our thoughts twisted with the nico-lies - you have to launch your quit even doubting that what I say is the Truth. 

My guess is that your addicted mind might say - "oh, but that may be your truth, Thomas, but it isn't my truth! And yet, I assure you that it is - for it is the Truth of all Addicts. Addiction is 100% predictable, mundane no matter how unique each Addict as human is. 

So I say to you, you don't have to want to quit smoking - but you do have to will to quit smoking! 

ACTION at this point is all that matters. Correct thoughts and Feelings will follow just as the night follows the day!

Today is a Great Day to launch your Quit Journey! Freedom awaits and with it, a Happiness you've long forgotten. 


liked the concept of executive control.

0 Kudos

I can't think of anything to add other than, Welcome Sjackson9 and Welcome back MichelleDiane !  Glad you are both here, and hope to see you around.


I was scared to death to quit.  I smoked SO Much approaching my quit date I made my self sick. That is over 4 years ago now.  I could not be happier that I quit.  It is the best.  You can do this. 


The advise above is great! One thing to some Vick’s Vapor Rub. I kept the stuff everywhere, it’s like magic.

I would rub it under my nose and even went as far as putting a tiny bit on my tounge, I lived, lol. I also kept the Vick’s inhaler around for fast help. Dunno why, but the smell of it it took my crave away almost instantly. You still need to do the reading. Once you understand WHY your craving the nicotine so will fight it that much harder! 

Get he Vick’s will help , less stress


No you're not, this will be my second attempt trying to start the new year smoke free. I am extremely anxious, and a major part of my anxiety comes from trying to visualize my new life smoke-free, wondering what will replace this bad habit of mine.


shaylrush PLAN it, identify your triggers and plan what to do INSTEAD of smoking.  Drink lots of cold water, have healthy snacks available, be ready for the triggers, they will come.  Go to the sign in page and follow the directions for "My Quit Plan" and set up a Quit Kit that you can go to whenever you might need it.  You CAN do this, embrace the new life, the celebration of your freedom.

Welcome to EX.



Prepare well, do your homework and you'll discover you have less to fear because you'll understand more about the nature of this addiction, what's in store, and have the tools necessary to overcome it.  It's just a skill to be learned.  And just like any skill it simply takes study, hard work and perseverance.  Will the process be unpleasant?  Yes.  Most new things take us out of our comfort zone and make us feel like a fish out of water.  Will you survive it?  Yes.  Because each day you remain smoke free will be another day under your belt of experience and will give you confidence.  

The Quitting Journey is all about ATTITUDE.  Take it as a challenge, as something that's going to empower you in ways you've never discovered, as a growth process - and you'll move faster through the unpleasant parts with long strides.  Focus on the negatives, the missing, the longing - and you'll grind your way through slowly inch by inch.  Stick around.  Knowledge is your friend here.  And so are we.  

I smoked like a chimney the night before my quit.  But I had made a total commitment.  Once you've said, "I WILL, no matter what,"  you're halfway home.  The rest is all about 'time.' 

Stay positive, stay motivated and bring along your sense of humor.  It a great tool to have in your quit kit.  Smoking isn't the end of your world - it's the beginning of it.

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