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If only We Could Be

If only we could live up to this. What a kinder, loving, nicer world it would be


I hope this made you smile too.  Ok so let’s have more feedback on this. You know that our dogs think we can do everything.  They love us unconditionally.  We should never expose them to second hand smoke.  We should live up to their beliefs in us 

Im a dog and cat person. Heck I just love animals. Sorry no bugs. Just lady bugs, June bugs. I love hamsters, birds, lizards, mice, chipmunks etc  alll creatures big and small. I had the cops called on me when I was 13 and organized a sit in.  It was in a pet shop and I didn’t want them to feed mice to snakes. So I staged a sit in. Not fair. No fighting chance for those mice. Give the little guy a break. We all need a fighting chance

Anyway its it’s late and time for more prednisone. But the truth comes out. I want to be the kind of person that my dog and cat family truly think I am. That would be great. 

13 Replies

What a CUTE picture! I tried to get my beagle to do this instead of lay on the sofa.....she just pushes the bed off the edge and then lays right on down on the sofa...........finally, I gave up.


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I have 2 cats they are fairly non-acting kitties 1 large dog.   But I think Ellen has a new bigger Kitty, trying to be diva-ish not sure LOL


 anaussiemom, sweetplt, and Barbscloud     I have three "feral" who stays in the basement during inclement weather, he is about ten, another male who is four, both are HUGE tabbies.  The third one joined the family in December, she is Clementine and she is a seriously crazy 7 month old who believes she needs to be fed every three hours...including at night.  She IS hilarious though.

I kept looking at that photo and wondered if it was a stuffed animal, how CUTE.  We use to have a dog, I miss her but I can't walk a dog any more and I think it's unfair to have a dog and keep it penned up.  They ARE so loving and want so much to please us.  Our son has a dog and he brings her over...she is part beagle and part corgi...really short, marked like a beagle but, thank God she does not have a beagle bark.  They have three cats too and they all get along with the dog.


I love this saying and it is so up to who your dog thinks you are and you will be a good person.