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Give and get support around quitting


I want to live

So here I am again attending a funeral of a former worker who already retired. They managed to have 10+ years of retirement. I myself, have 4 more years to work before I retire and have Quit 64 days ago. Within the two months I stopped, I have attended 4 funerals (which is way too many).

So for my birthday this year, I said enough. I woke up that morning and threw out the remaining tobacco (yes threw away $, but oh well). 

To date, my hair is growing and my skin looks clearer. i nee

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4 Replies

@SuziQuit So happy to hear you're sticking to your commitment.  Congrats on 64 days of success. Unfortunately as we age, funerals become more frequent.  Hopefully quitting smoking  will extend those years for us, but there are no guarantees in life.  The expense of throwing away a few cigarettes is well worth the benefits. 

I believe you've been here before so you may already be aware of this, but it's good reminder.

No Mans Land Days 30 to 130 (approximate) - EX Community

Keep moving forward.



Not applicable

I’m so very sorry for your losses. 
I’m sad for your losses , losing family and friends is never an easy thing .

Congrats on your decision to stop smoking WAY TO GO! @SuziQuit . I threw away three packages too . I couldn’t even give them to someone else . They stole my health to the point I didn’t think I had a year left to live , it’s why I quit along with testimony of others who suffered horrible consequences of their smoking . 

It was the best waste of money ever . I’ve saved thousands since (going on thirteen years quit ) .  I lived already 12 years longer than when I started this quit . You will see tons of benefits from wasting that money . I’m excited for you as daily weekly monthly and yearly you see more and more benefits of this wise decision . I’m glad you mention your hair and skin looking and feeling better in as little or less than 64 days quit .. that’s exciting for you , for newcomers and elders to hear .. I can’t wait for you to be sharing more as they happen . Rock on . 



Really sorry about all of the funerals you have needed to attend of late @SuziQuit and I totally identify.  BUT I am truly happy for the 64 non-smoking days you have earned for yourself. That is a major accomplishment!!

number 64.jpg






Congratulations SuzyQuit on having the strength to write your own story and possibly add many years to your life!  Stay quit and continue to live life without a monkey on your back.