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Give and get support around quitting


I tried before, but cant seem to get past day 5

I am tired of trying to quit. I wnat and need to quit just for myself. I want to just feel better. I set my date for 10/31/09 at midnight that night i will become an ex-smoker, i hope. I am going to use the patches but even that dont make it easy. I still worry about that th day.
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11 Replies

Use the patch and gum or lozenges. Push yourself. Decide that this is the year that will be the end of that bad relationship you have been having that goes no where. Be gentle. Breathe alot. Take time every morning to breathe deaply and notice how much effort it takes to be present for what is really true for you. Life has so many issues to deal with and when we are in the toxic relationship with brother/lady tobacco we are casually stuffing our health on all levels down a gas tube for the greedy corporate profiteers. They want your money. They take your health and your mental strength without any pause because they want your money.
It is taking that money or your life situation and deciding that hell or high water I am taking my life and my money thank you very much. Oh it sucks , it feels bad, nasty, cranky, and then the stink smell lifts and the lungs heal a little and now life is one lonily situation where all the friends that enable us are not really welcome and we are left in isolation in the crowd. But that is the journey out. That is being the hero of my own despair.Kicking that jones. Kick that jones.
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I was told by a friend - cut a straw to the size of a cig, suck on an Altoid mint, and suck air in through the straw like a cig.
I am just taking deep breaths and chewing tons of gum. Try the Altoid trick and it should help:)
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Jim, it's good that you joined up with this site prior to your quit date. There is so much information here that you can read up on prior to the 15th that may help you mentally prepare. Patches are great (I'm 4 days in and using patch) but I know what you mean...they are not the entire answer BUT they are a great help. Everyone is different and you will find the thing that gets you over the cravings .... and you may have to keep searching for that one thing. Since you've tried quitting before, try to remember what helped you and what didn't. I've quit so many times I've lost count....sometimes only for a few hours (which probably doesn't count as a quit but I thought it did). My problem....instead of talking myself up, I'd sabotage myself and then justify my failure. I was my own worst enemy. This time, when craving hits, I get out of my head....I stop thinking and DO something...anything...just to shut my mind up. I'll clean the toilet (ugh!) if it just stops me from thinking about it. But that's me.... Bottom line, find something that works and if it doesn't, find something else. Being a member of this website provides great encouragement to all of us struggling. Good luck and hope to hear from you soon.
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well Beth, I have changed my mind.... I started the patch tonite. I am just tired of feeling he way I do and know I can feel better. Here's to hope.
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Sweet! Oh yeah, you're gonna feel a WHOLE lot better!! I haven't had a headache in 5 days now. You can do this, Jim. You've got it in let it out! I will keep my fingers crossed...and my toes (if that is physically possible-haha). Peace!
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Why not quit sooner?
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Well beth, it did not work but I have another idea that is gonna work for me. Here in GA deer season starts Saturday so I am getting all worked up for it. I am also getting myself worked up for a real quit date of 10/17/09. I cant smoke while deer hunting, the deer smell it. I am going to be in the wods for 2 days. The way I am gonna work into this is to go as long as I can without a cig. at all and work for longer each time and of course use the clock. This I think is gonna work. And thru this time in the woods I will be using the patch to help and the woods will help keep my mind on other things.
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Maybe get a home blind so that you are always in that "the deer can smell me" state of mind.
Having a bunch of things TO DO planned so that when you are healing your brain you are offering it all the alternatives that prior have been withheld from your brain. THe air, the learning time and so often the down time.
I suspect a lot of what drives the addiction process is the unrealistic wish to be more human than we really are:not to sleep, eat, feel,and to push through to goals all with these tiny bits of our days and our lives using a product that does not help us in any meaningful way. Today I read on the why how the whole process of addiction to tobacco is about avoiding the withdrawl.
The patch will help with the 4000 other gases and limit the nicotine, so you will not have the nicotine withdrawl as much as those 4000 gases and the habit of providing this material at regular intervals. Over a few days you will start to feel better, breathing wise, and the sense of smell will return. So plan on doing the cleaning you will need to remove the residue and the odars with those regular minutes now free for you use to make your dreams come true. THis is the path to freedom. This is how it looks and how it feels and we are all aware of how the alternative really is and that, my fellow smokaholic, is what this journey is about:healing the insanity.It is reteaching your brain to do what is good for you and not the other way around.
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No worries.
As you think, so shall you be.
Don't let cravings get the best of you.
Just think of BREATHING CLEAN AIR instead of smoke.
You can do it!!!!!
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