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Give and get support around quitting


I too am an EX!

My Quit Date was: 7/30/2008

Time Smoke-Free: 34 days, 21 hours, 59 minutes and 53 seconds

Cigarettes NOT smoked: 524

Lifetime Saved: 4 days

Money Saved: $89.25

I just can't believe it! That's a lot of cigarettes laughs! So one thing I do need a bit of help with is, how can I break the habit? As of now I feel like I'm replacing the habit with hard candy. God knows I shouldn't be gaining weight.

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12 Respuestas

Sugar free gum, or sugar free candy,tic tacs mabey?
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I did that too. I had candy every where I use to have cigs. But the habit dies down. Or at least it did for me it took a little while tho.. Good luck. I have been quit for 3 Months, 4 Weeks, 2 Days, 11 hours, 25 minutes and 4 seconds (122 days). I have saved $918.56 by not smoking 3,674 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Week, 5 Days, 18 hours and 10 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 5/22/2008 8:00 PM
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I kinda cheated, in a way, with my quit. I got really sick for like 2 weeks and quit that way. but let me tell ya it has not been easy since I've been well. When I get board is when I want a cig. real bad, so I set my mind on other things like cleaning, mowing the yard, working in my gardens, and just walking around. Not having my hands busy is when I am wanting a cig. the most I've noticed, so that's when I give my hands stuff to do. Like sitting here typing, and talking with you guys. A couple of days ago I posted and asked some of the ex's what they did during the first winter of being an ex. Because of the fact you can't get out and do things like you can during the spring and summer and the fall. A few of them gave me some good ideas and also reminded me about the, "simple",. And that was just to take one day at a time, like I am now. They were right!, I was thin king to far ahead. But it was nice to have some ideas about what to do to keep myself busy.

Stay true, and Free.
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Good for you, Melissa! How did you figure out how much money you have saved and how much time you've added to your life? I'd love to do that and every day add it up and print it out to put up as an encouragement to my commitment. I have been completely without cigarettes for one week today. I'm using the patch, but add a lozenge when I get frantic. I guess you're not supposed to do that, but sometimes chewing gum isn't enough for me, and I don't want to use candy because in the past I gained about 20 pounds doing that. I became addicted to candy corn! LOL
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i could tell you that your metabolism changes when you quit smoking our whole bodies are all over the place. but gaining weight the only true answer is excercise cause i sure haven't been eating, tru story but the scales are my enemy in the morning, i think the article i read said your metabolism evens out after ablout 6 months, we can wait, can't we?? i have a friend who quit and the said the hell with the weight i gain and did just that and gained quite a bit of weigth now she is slim and trim and a non smoker at the same time so i know it really happens, and remember you taste and smell comes back (bad smell and tast)e it should stay gone, but we are giving ourselves life over smoking just remember that and the weight will come off, high hopes bobbie
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I chew sugarless gum. I went to Sam's and bought a whole bunch of it. You know how they have a box of gum packs like you see at the checkout counter in most stores? That's what I bought at Sam's. I got spearmint Orbitz whitening, because it's really a strong taste that kind of replaces the need for a taste of something in your mouth, as well as something to bite down on. I've just finished knitting a sweater for my husband, and that helped keep my hands busy. I might have to start another one! My church has a project to knit or crochet throws for shut-ins. I have some really pretty red wool, and I think I would love to make something of that. I have a stitch I've been wanting to try anyway.
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That will pass, I quit on 10/01/08...I was doing the candy and gum...I've eased off it. I just find other things to do, take a quick walk, read a few pages. I joined Weight Watchers as well, so I don't gain weight, I haven't either-I actually lost 5 pounds-the materials give me motivation for a healthy life in genaral.
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I filled up on ice cold water.. chewed sugar free gum, and spent a little bit of my "non-smoking savings" on tic-tacs... I did slip in the occasional chocolate bar -- ; )

also -- if you like cinnamon -- i hear cinnamon sticks help a lot of people, too
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I quit smoking 4 yrs ago in March.I had to do everything only if I had a cigarette.It was so hard for me to do things like driving and taking a break if I was stressed out at all.I only gained about 5--10 lbs tops because I did Weight Watchers at the same time.After I quit,I chewed the Nicorette and than I went to only sugarless gum.I should take stock in that company.I recommend that rather than the hard candy,unless you have the sugar free kind.Kerry
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