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Give and get support around quitting


I smoked....

Here I am at the end of day three and i smoked..i feel such a sence of regret now that im done. There goes my three days. I ahould have kept the patch on longer

23 Replies

Don't beat yourself up- but do look at your why. What was the trigger you couldn't deny? Did you have smokes on hand or did you have to go get them? If you examine this, I think you'll find you weren't thoroughly prepared but you can be for your next quit!

Did you get The Easyway to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr? You should pick that up, read to the end and then try your quit again. 


No biggie. Start over. Quitting is hard. It sucks. It's lonely. 

It's one of the absolute BEST THINGS you can do for yourself and the people you love.

Be tough on yourself for the slip and start again.


Don't beat yourself up.  I was in your place and felt the same way.  it took me 4 times to quit and as the saying goes, 'if at first you don't succeed try, try again'. Not everyone will be successful the first time.  Just like everything else in life you have to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally.  

 Take a step back and write down why you picked up that cigarette and next to it write down why you are Going To Quit.  When you take that step again and feel the urge read what you have written.

 Also, purge your surroundings of all cigarette related objects; ash trays, lighters, matches, etc.  Have your car detailed and your teeth cleaned.  Yell out to everyone you are quitting smoking and ask for their support and definitely come back here for help and encouragement. 

I am now one month shy of my first year as a non smoker and let me tell you, it's an incredible journey as you gain control of your life.  I cannot tell you all the amazing changes I've experienced so far.  People have said my skin looks so healthy, my smile is bright and I no longer smell like stale cigarettes.  I'm sleeping much better, have more energy and food tastes incredible.

 Restart your clock, take a step back and See the future you Will have.  It's amazing and We are All here for you and will take the journey with you Together.

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