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Give and get support around quitting


I really thought I was past the hardest part.

I'm 15d 5h 38m into my quit as I write this. For the past few days, I've noticed that any cravings or negative thoughts I experience have been trending downward. Today was mostly no different, but my mother and I exchanged a few harsh words this afternoon and it upset me. Since then, I've felt sad and weakened. The stress of today makes me feel similar to the way during the first few days of my quit, i.e., unstable and fearful of failing. 

Does anyone have tips for handling stress-induced setbacks? I'm still entirely committed to quitting for good, but I hate the idea that some external factor could make me feel this vulnerable.

16 Replies



It's going to take time to relearn life without the smokes BUT you can and will be successful one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time, deep breaths and know that we're all here to help you in any way we can you can do this quit believe it keep your mind as well as your hands occupied and at the end of the day you'll be able to say YAY for another Day WON I remember my moods were all over the place but it will get easier and easier with time under your belt and it definitely gets better and better even though it may not feel like it right now. redluvr


15 Days Free from Smoking is super...however, you are early in your quit journey...and it takes time and work to feel better in one’s quit...Your body is healing and part of the journey is that we smoked through now we need to learn how to deal with life without the can be done, with prayer, meditation, exercise, take a walk, etc., Try something, just don’t is a list of /blogs/Maggie_quit_8-1-2010-blog/2012/03/19/100-things-to-do-instead-of-smoking?sr=search&searchId=2... .. also, keep blogging here ... ~ Colleen 341 DOF 


Don't think of it as a set are just going through the normal process of learning what to do with life's situations without smoking through them. Fifteen days is a GREAT accomplishment. But, I'll bet you smoked a lot longer than that! So give it some time and just know that you are doing GREAT.

Stay Strong.


15 days is HUGE - but still only a portion of the journey you are traveling.  You have much to learn about dealing with life without smoking - and today was an example of one of the lessons.  What COULD you have done when those negative feelings surfaced?  Gone for a walk?  Marched in place?  Done a few sets of stairs - or push-ups?  Called a friend?  Taken a bunch of slow, deep breaths, going slower and deeper with each.  Put on some tunes and danced or sang along? 

You did GOOD not to smoke - but figure out now what you can do NEXT time these feelings surface - and they will!



What I have done when I find myself in situations like this is to go to a quiet place. Try to relax and use a quick 5 minute relaxation exercise or even just listen to some meditation music for 5 minutes. Both of these can be found effortlessly on “YouTube “. It just slows/calms you down so you can think about what’s bothering you in a new way.  One that is not driven by fear or sadness.


Congrats for sticking to your quit...hang in there, you got this...deep breathing and distraction is what I have used during serious sadness and is going to drop us to our knees for sure just stay strong  

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Congrats on 15 days.  You are doing great.  In many ways we don't really know ourselves after smoking for years.  Every time we were angry, hurt, whatever,  instead of dealing with the emotion we didn't like, we smoked. Quitting smoking is a journey to wholeness. At 15 days you have only just begun the most amazing journey of your life.  Instead of staying stuck, we grow.  As smokers we stay very childish.  You are doing this.  Enjoy your day.

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15 days quit is great but it is only a smidgen of the timeframe that you smoked.  For me, it took about 30-60 days for me to feel like I had a solid quit and wasn't thinking about smoking as much. As everyone has said it does take time.  I suggest that you find things that you have procrastinated about and get started on them.  Spend time browsing in places that you can not smoke.  Breathing is a great stress reliever. Practice this Breathing Exercise 

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