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Give and get support around quitting


I need some ideas...

I'm at the point now where I'm seperating smoking with my triggers. Here's my problem, I am not working and have been restricted from doing certain things by my doctor because of problems with my neck, back, and shoulder. Normally I would try cleaning or excersizing, somthing physical to get my mind off of smoking, but I am limited as far as what I can do. I'm so bored that it is making quitting that much harder. Does anyone have any ideas what I can do to keep my mind off of smoking, maybe somthing you guys used that made it easier?
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4 Replies

Gum chewing,reading,writing helped ne some,I hope this helps a little
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Great ideas rewards help too after all you were spending on cigs why not get your self somthing or begin savivg fo somthing I do a lil of both lol
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Of all the magical things that we think cigarettes do, curing boredom is probably the most ridiculous. I don't mean to offend, I thought the same way for 18 years. But really, unless you chain smoke, how much of your time would smoking actually occupy? Out of an hour, even if you spent 15 minutes smoking, you'd still be bored the other 45 minutes. I think if you smoked you'd realize shortly after you were done that you'd be just as bored as you were before you lit up. Only now you'd be in worse shape physically and you'd smell like an ashtray. Unfortunately, smoking doesn't relieve boredom. It never has and never will. Take this time to explore a hobby, learn something new; read, write, call an old friend. The best part of quitting is that you start filling your mind and time with things that really have meaning instead of hiding behind a smokescreen, literally.

Good luck.
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Feeling like crap certianly doesn't help with a quit, but you can do this. I've had some pretty bad shoulder and neck pain lately. Sitting too long isn't good and neither is sitting at the computer. Mix it up and listen to your doctor. Knitting, crocheting, reading,
I've found cut up straws or toothpicks help. Work the plan and do what you can.
Peace and just breathe...........
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