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Give and get support around quitting


I messed up

I smoked today. I wasn't thinking. I had a panic attack in the middle of cleaning a house. So I went to store and bought cigs. 

Now I am just crying. 

What do I do from here? 

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27 Respuestas

Get rid of them and start over - no other options if you want to quit.  Make a plan and commit to it--decide what you will do the next time that you have a panic attack--lots of options available besides smoking.  Try reading Chuck's blog -- not easy -- but it is a reality. 

Life lessons


You put on your big girl shoes and start over.

Many of us have failed when starting our quit journey. I did, many times. I am not proud of that but I am not going to belittle you for failure.

You came here. You admitted it for what it was. 

The best advice I ca give to you is to re read all the educational material. Allen Carrs book, Easyway to quit smoking, was my personal go to material...that and reading over and over again the many blogs on this site.

You will quit when  your ready. So dry up those tears and smile. There is hope. We are here for you and we care.

Tomorrow is a new day:)


Oh dear, beccalynn35 Pick yourself up, dust yourself off,  It sounds like you know why you smoked but if you don't start there and try to figure it out! Stop kicking yourself, run those cigs, in the water and toss 'em and begin your quit again! It's much easier if you begin your quit again right away! 

90 days ago I let things get the better of me and I smoked, I lost 519 days that night, it was right after an AA meeting, I started my quit again the very next morning and I now have 89 days!

All is not lost! We are in this together! You can do this! 

Spring into March 2017 with a Daily Commitment!‌ and /blogs/Terrie_Quit-blog/2017/01/16/mondays-promise?sr=search&searchId=b51c7656-3bbd-4d32-b71a-edfc68...‌ or‌  Take care of you and please come right back!  ~Terrie~


We're all here for you you can start over, take a deep breath after you get rid of the cigarettes and tell yourself that you can and will be successful be willing, determined and totally committed to succeed and you can and will, you can do this one precious smoke free day at a time. Get a good nights sleep tonight and start fresh tomorrow. beccalynn35


You get up and decide that you will quit again tomorrow.  No judgement here my friend.  We have all been there.  You can do this!  Stay close and blog here first before smoking.  Someone is always around to help.  Remember that you are worth this struggle!



You don't give up! You throw those cigarettes away and figure out exactly how you slipped. You can win this war with yourself. Your heart is there. You just have to see through that horrible cloud of addiction, and get going again. Spend some time and think about what you want your world to look like in the future! 

 You're not a failure. Your a winner so long as you don't give up. There is so much out there!! Go for it!!!

Please let us know how you're doing. We all care!! And the next time you have a weak moment, come here and blog. That's why we're here.




Well---we 100% agree-----just put them down again. It is as simple (and hard) as that. do a little self analysis on what went wrong and what your plan is for the next time you have a panic attack. Life will still continue to happen even though you have quit smoking. You need to learn to live life without them. And it is SO DOABLE!!! YOU CAN!!

Stay Strong (and keep in touch----we really do care)

I'm going to hopefully give you an epiphany.

People talk themselves into smoking.


^ that IS an epiphany. 

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