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Give and get support around quitting


I messed up BAD!! 😭

Today would've been five months for me, but last week I was so stressed out because of everything and by the weekend I was ready to smoke a cigarette. Every interview I've had hasn't worked out and I'm so frustrated with my situation and not having a car or income. My dad had already started smoking again after a short time of quitting and I have been so glad that I have been able to stick with my quit through everything. I had my mom get me a pack of cigarettes yesterday and I've been smoking. I feel like a failure and I have to do it all over again. I know if I would've kept coming here everyday I wouldn't have done it. This is what helped me most. Now I have to pick another quit date and do it better this time. I don't want to be a smoker anymore! I had an interview yesterday that I think I have the best chance at getting and I got a sign recently that I know came from Pap telling me that good things were coming and I still screwed up so bad. I love you guys and you've helped me so much and I know that you'll help me again. 

22 Replies

Don’t give up. 


Please know that you are definitely not alone. Somewhere I learned that this doesn't actually mean praying but I choose to use it for that purpose anyway.


Good luck on your interview. You can do this . I'm only one day without smoking. Pick a date and start again. Smoking is hard to quit. I failed the first time. I also didn't know about this site. I believe in you.