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Give and get support around quitting


I'm so nervous..

I've made many attempts at quitting in the past 10 years, but now I am to the point where I can't even go 5 minutes without coughing. It's really embarassing at work to have the nickname "Chronic Cough." It's like smoking has taken over my life, I'm always thinking about when is convenient to smoke and pouting inside when it's not possible. So, I know quitting would be ideal for me, however, I have no will power, I've tried many times before, and I'm a pretty heavy drinker... being a server, it's an occupational hazard. All my friends practically are smokers, I have to make some major adjustments here! I am starting to track my cigs, but I'm still not sure if I can commit to a date even though I must!
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12 Replies

I found that drinking coffee, a little "Weaker," than usual for at least the first month or so helped me tremendously. Now I have my regular coffee and don't even think about a cigarette!! Something I never thought was even possible... It can be done!! I believe that if we are wiling to do Whatever it takes, it then becomes easier for us. Half the battle is in the thinking.... The other half, is in the doing...
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What a great idea!! I never would've thought that that trick would work!! How long did you have to drink the weaker coffee? I'm glad that worked for you, Louise!!
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Thank you SO much for your kind words, Louise!! I will follow all of the ideas & suggestions when I do quit. I'd like to wait to quit when I'm no longer bedridden. I've been bedridden for five years b/c of a back injury. I'm still not well enough (strong) b/c my muscles have atrophied b/c of the lack of exercise. I'm working on that right now. My pelvis is the biggest problem. It's slightly turned to the back. My dad & I both have a sway back. It makes my butt stick out . lol I do pelvic exercises to build up the muscles around the pelvis to keep it in place. I'm sorry for rambling. I'm just afraid to try to stop smoking while I'm still in bed, bored, & depressed. Do you agree? I just feel like I will fail if I try to quit smoking now.
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