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I'm scared

The closer I get to my quit date the more anxiety I feel. I've quit so many times that I've lost count. I've been trying to understand my fear and know the big one is that I'll never quit and will be one of those smokers on some kind of breathing machine (COPD, Asthma)....but also fear of the feelings of the cravings and fear of failure.  Maybe more that I can't understand or see, but its driving me crazy and I haven't even started my quit yet.

I don't know what to do. Has anyone else gotten into this state of anxiety before thier quit? How did you manage to get through it? I haven't tried to quit in over a year because of the anxiety. Can anyone help?

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9 Replies

Well, the only thing I can say about this is . . . . . . to me it is impossible to set an upcoming "Quit Date". It is just too nervewracking. You just have to get up one day and say to yourself, "This is it - no more cigarettes." If you do it this way, you won't have to keep stressing about the "upcoming quit day". It is a very scary feeling knowing "the day" is approaching. Why put yourself through that anxiety? I have said before in other comments, if you really really want to quit, then you will. If you don't or are not ready, well you won't. I know that sounds discouraging and cold, but that is the truth. Are you ready to quit? Or are others ready for you to quit? It does not matter what others think - it's what you think that matters. When you are ready to not let this addiction overpower you any longer, then you will successfully quit. End of story. 

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That state of anxiety can by cured by just gettin' it done.

Read, make a plan, read some more,  and do it!  (and read some more!)

I'm more scared of a breathing machine than of a craving - cravings really cause not one iota of pain!

Molly  - 5 weeks 1 day.

Stay strong and breath deep!

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i feel ya. yes i felt alot of anxiety waiten on my day....which was pose to b xmas day n i failed. but im back non track. u really gotta wake up n say this is it and take it hour by hour and day by day. i read alot of other peoples blogs to get any ideas. my moenin cig is my problem. ive got to change my mornin routine. but stay connected on here its helpin me

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I am feeling the tension for my upcoming quit also - it comes and goes just like the withdrawal pangs will!  


This too shall pass!

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Me too, but in a wierd way, I am looking forward to my big day - January 1.  Judy

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  I haven't quit yet -- start date Jan. 1 -- so I may be going through the same thing you are.  But in the meantime, look at all the time wasted on smoking.  You just sit there and smoke and do nothing else.  Take that time and do something for someone else who needs help, someplace where smoking is not permitted.  It will help your cravings and you will feel good about doing things for others.  Good luck

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I quit for almost 8 years, it would have been 10 years December 9 2009. I let my out of control life take over, now i am decreasing every day, I am trying a non nicotine method, detoxing tablets and losenges recommended by a friend that works in a natural foods/vitamins store.    The sign up said it was too soon, but I am doing it NOW, I quit smoking in my apartment 7 months ago to get rid of the stench, smells great now after considerable cleaning, even al my clothes. This is the last time I quit, i did it once i can do it again!!  What a dummy for starting again

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You sound just like me!  I have been so anxious that it's brought me to tears thinking about / fearing my quit date (which is tomorrow).  Coming on here and reading all the posts DOES bring some ease......but I also have an issue with anxiety, preperation for this day, I saw a psychiatrist a few weeks ago and he put me on an SSRI to help with the anxiety! 

What I tell myself (and IM not successful yet, but it carries me) is that IT IS NOT GOING to be easy.  But each day smoke-free is a victory!  I know it'll be hard.  I arm myself with that knowledge and try to look around at other people who have had real adversities strike their life, and see how they got through it!  YOU, WE can do it! 

Some tools that I am going to use:: rubber bands on wrists ( to snap --- 'specially in the car as I drive A LOT for my work)   Biting into a lemon when a craving hits, cutting a straw in half and using that as the habitual piece, journaling, knitting, coming on this site, walking daily-- anytime you have a craving if necessary,

Im very scared, but I know I need to be strong! It's such a mind game, and ultimately cigarettes don't hold a flame to a healthy life!  We know find your strength and make a long list of things you can do so that when the urge strikes you, you can go to that list and just get busy with something else.

IT WONT be easy!  and I so want it to be......GOOD LUCK TO  YOU!!!!!!! and me and ALL OF US HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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My quit date is Jan. 29 and it is a scary thought. I have been doing things different. For example, I used to drink decaf coffee in the evenings. Now I drink water. Cigarettes and ice water don't go that great together. Good luck!!!!!!!!

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