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Give and get support around quitting


I'm ready to quit

Hi everyone,


I'm Mike a 52 year-old dad to two young kids.  I recently started smoking again after 10 years of no smoking.  I went from ultra-lights to lights to full stregth 100's very quickly.  The past two days I had over two packs.  This must stop.

I realize that in order to be around for long, I need to quit.  I have been enjoying smoking, my wife doesn't mind, but am hiding it from everyone else. I really want to stop, but don't think I can.  I hope this site helps.



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5 Replies

Welcome!  We all hang out in the blogs.  Please post there and you will also find lots of posts to read and respond to.  

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Hi.  Have you tried combination nicotine replacement?  You use the patch with either the lozenges or the gum in combination.  It has helped me stay quit for 5 months already.  Chantix is also an option, but it has side effects.  Personally, I like the nicotine replacement, but once I got over the hump after 3 weeks, I found that I was dependent on the nicotine patch.  Now I have to work on tapering off that.  Still, being on the patch is healthier than smoking.  If you use combination therapy, you might have a much better chance of staying quit.  Good Luck!

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Hi Mike, I'm new "again" had a year. Quit the Quit, felt physically horrible, coughing worst then other quits, chest pain, swollen glands, headaches, which I never got before..Bottome line, it doesn't get better. I am on day-6. Want to smoke so bad (in my head). In my physical body, I know that if I pick up just one, I am off to the races again feeling like crap. I have to keep the reason's I quit (on paper) in the front of my mind...My husband smokes, so I have been avoiding him. I feel angry, depressed, etc...the list goes on..I plan on sicking close to my community who have always been there for me...Hope you do the same. It does get better. Just "breath". It's not easy, but it can be made simple. Just hang in and get "knowledge" it's power. Read Tom's blog. Allen Carr has a book out that I am into again...

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Hey Mike., on the Blogs at the top of the page and go out there and post out will get a lot more responses and a lot of reading material from other people going through the same things you are!!!

See ya out there!!!


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Hello my name is Lisa and I've been trying to quit for years and on November 3rd I will be getting laser treatment to stop smoking I am hoping that this is it and I quit for good. I know I have to put my part.. Wish me luck
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