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Give and get support around quitting


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Hi there everyone. I am ready to quit smoking actually I already had a date set and then found this web site. Tomorrow is my quit date. I tried to quit in April but it just didn't work. Seems i've been smoking as long as i've been walking...LOL. I am tiered of the husbands coplaints about my smoking and a few weeks ago my 3 year old said "when I grow up i'm going to smoke like you." Boy oh boy I hated the feeling that came with that. I'll talk to you all soon.
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12 Replies

Hey Michelle!

Good luck to you on your journey, There is alot of support here just keep tryin to fin which crew is most helpful to you. I am new at it, too- just joined the day before my quite date too and today is now day 3. Woohoo!

Study all the tools available here and remember the core reasons why you want to stop. The one with your son is likely a big one~ but at the core you have to do it for yourself- I'm sure you know....

Keep us posted! You can do it!
PS I am taking Welbutrin~ that helps- and when I really freak out I chew a piece of nic gum.... have what you need to help you through!

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Michelle Congradulation and good luck good with you upcomming quit . Yeah when you childern start talking about smoking , that has to be a really shocker and eye opener about what you are doing. And even though you are quitting for you family , you have to realize too that you are doing this for yourself too ! That it is your health and by taking care of yourself you are talking care of you family too .

We are all here for you and if you ever need to talk !
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Welcome, Michelle!! Glad to have you here!! I feel like I've been smoking for forever, too. I don't have a quit date yet, though. I'm proud of you for quitting once before!! What was your downfall? I don't even have the guts to TRY to quit!! LOL The whole idea scares the hell out of me!! I have a little brother who is fourteen years old who just started dipping. He lives 12 hours away in Alabama. He said he'd quit dipping when I quit smoking. I found this site IMMEDIATELY after that conversation. I think I know the feeling you had when you're child said that to you. This experience may give you more motivation to quit!! It could be a blessing in disguise. Good luck!!

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You have to perservere and stop the habit now. My father was a smoker and I loved him dearly. I wanted to be just like him. So I started smoking his stubs right from when I was a small kid. Even after I had grown up, and he had Emphysema because of his cigarette smoking...even seeing him go through all that still couldn't make me stop my habit.
It's my frist day today, and so far so good. Hope nothing irritating is going to happen. Will try to get to bed early to avoid temptation.
Good luck!
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Hey, Ranze!! Welcome!! I'm Michelle & I'm 30 years old. I'm pretty new here, too. My condolences about you're father. Both my parents smoke. As a teenager, I used to smoke my mom's cig butts too. I need to quit, so that my parents will quit smoking. Please let me know if you have any tips for me. I've never tried to quit smoking. Going to bed early seems like a good tip, by the way!! Good luck, Ranze!!
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Both of my partents smoke and both my sister and I smoked (started around 16 maybe earlier)...I think at the time we were being teenagers, trying to grow up too fast - Don't get me wrong my sister and I did plenty of crap growing up that we never saw our parents doing...But our first smokes were easy to find since they were sitting around the house..I know for fact if my daughter ever smokes I'll smell it a mile away! I'm on day 21 and I think I'm part bloodhound 🙂
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Hi guys,
Well I tried but didn't make it on my quit date...I did like three hours yippie! I started working on smoking in the car and then some really bad stuff happened with my teen and there I am smoking again. My kiddie i've had a talk with about smoking as little as she can understand. The husband is still complaining after all he buys the smokes...good God this is not fun. I remember when I thought smoking was cool?!
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Michele don't give up. I totally screwed up on the quit date that I had originally set. I didn't even make it the whole day either. I immediately recommitted a couple days later and now I'm on day eleven smoke free. Don't beat yourself up this quitting thing is a process and we are all at different spots. Let everyone here help. That has made all the difference in the world to me. GOOD LUCK! KEEP THE QUIT!!!
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I hope it's going well for you Michele. I've tried to quit twice before this time, and it's not easy. I know how much help AND hinderance children can be. Quitting for yourself first, and them second, but they push buttons without blinking, making it hard not to light up.
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