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Give and get support around quitting


I'm just saying....Hello???? Hello???? Is anbody out there???

Okay, here is a scenario.  It's now 2:45 am Thursday 03.16.2017, and I can't sleep.  Today I am well into my quit, and do not have any craving going on.  However, I'm not quite there, because I aint all (anyway, I think that is how that goes)  

Seriously though, I and several other members have mentioned on multiple occasions that we miss being able to see when other members of the EX community are online.  That gives us a great open invite to call out to another addict in recovery and just sit back and shoot the breeze, and just sort of talk away or at least talk about whatever comes to mind.....

Well, I am talking to my keyboard....and guess is NOT conversing back!!!!

Now you might find that sort of cute, or funny because I still have somewhat of a sense of humor and posted a "cutsie" sort of emoji....but I am not so pleased....note the expression of my emoticon....

This is a shortfall of the site, and I have said before, that I plan to champion the effort to get Admin to return its' presence in some sort of form one way or another.

Now, I realize that the hour is nuts, and most all are asleep,,,(as I wish I was right now...).  However, when you do awaken...please read this discussion and take the time to respond to it.  Like it if you care to, I don't really care about that.  What I (and ADMIN as well) are looking for is an honest overview of the membership as a whole.  This discussion is meant to put our finger on the pulse if you will of our community spirit.

Have a great day, or sleep as it turns out.  I am going to attempt to go back to bed and get at least one full hour before I am required to return to work.  

By the way, I really do love you guys...and I have 296 days of freedom today....yeah baby!!!!!

57 Replies

I'm just going through my inbox now at 8:25 am so I just noticed this now Pops ,I agree with all of you about being able to see who's on line so we can converse back & forth I believe that it's a huge help to see who's online at any hr of the day or night and possibly and maybe we could even help save someone from relapsing if we could see who's on line especially in the wee hours of the morning if there's someone struggling that we could help talk through if we only knew who is on site, we're here to help but we need to be able to see who may need the helping, it's hard to do with blinders on!!!! What do you think Mark ?


Thanks JonesCarpeDiem,

I realize it is basically the same thing that you said in your blog as well.  I felt the need to put it out there again, as we just recently had our two different sessions of "humanizing the site," and that issue has sort of been treated as a "white elephant in the room" that nobody really wants to talk about.....Thanks again,

ken aka Pops


Hi Pops!  Meant to add - I'm definitely on board and on the bandwagon to lobby for a little dot beside our names (or something) to light up or flash when we're active.  Bree



Being able to see who is on the site would be great. Anyone needing help would be able to reach out to someone.  If it can be done on Facebook it should be able to be done here. Just my 2 cents worth. Everyone have a great smoke free Thursday.



Hope you don't suffer from sleep deprivation at work today...that's the WORST.  Sorry, if I can't sleep, I read, turning the computer on just gets me more wound up.

I somehow miss your morning blogs Pops‌, not sure why.  Have a great day.


Hi Pops.  I agree with you.  This site lost the personal part which was what helped cure me from my 52 year cigarette addiction.  I truly believe the success part will be less as it is now. I am o.k. I had the site for 3 years and I was on here daily shoring up my quit.  My concern is for the other's who need what I needed.  It sounds like you needed some support in the middle of the night.  So sorry it was not here for you last night. Hopefully they will fix what needs to be fixed. Hope you sleep well tonight. 


So many replies in the middle of the night, and so many in need of company, did we let Mark‌ know today?

Maybe it was a fool moon, because I kept looking at the alarm all night long, and now I am on my second cup of coffee (not helping much)...looking forward to a busy day at work

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi everyone.  exproductmgr‌ and I have seen the discussion  post and are reading through the responses.

We're working on a response.

EX Community manager

EX Community Admin Team
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