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Give and get support around quitting


I'm here---willing----now HELP!!!! I don't know what to do next

Hi!! I just joined.....

This is the 6th time I have tried to quit----in the last 18 years---I started smoking when I was 14--I will be 45 next month---I quit for all 3 of my pregnancies....then I started right back up---I quit for 8 months---then back up----then 3 weeks----and yes---back up

I want so bad to be done this time.....but I just don't know----I don't want to snap on people---I don't want to gain weight....I just want to quit---I can't affored the gum, pills or it's cold turkey for me...

Any suggestions and advice would really be appreciated....
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5 Replies

Hi Robin,
I didn't quit cold turkey but know that taking it day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute if necessary helps. Don't look at the BIG picture, take it one day at a time. Drink lots of water and juice. Munch on healthy snacks but if you feel like indulging once in a while, DO! I rewarded myself with chocolate or whatever sounded good at the moment, just don't over DO! It's hard work but do-able! I turned 45 in March and haven't had a cigarette since July 22nd! I FEEL GREAT, not at first but one day at a time! Keep posting and let us know how you're doing!
Take care,
Sara 118 days!
Woooo Hoooo!
Prosper in peace
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Thank everyone!!!!
I swear I have picked the worse week ever to do this.....but I am trying....and so ready to do it.....
All of your words and support are great and please keep them coming....I need all I can get!!!!
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Girl, glad to hear from you!
Tell me again when your quit day was?
I put one of those quit counters on my page, they're awesome!
Quitting is hard work, real hard!
I'm here if you need me!
Keep trying and trying and trying!
Together we can KICK BUTT!
Prosper in peace
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Hi Robyn

My name is Liz and I just read your posting. Please don't give up! I smoked for 38 years and quit cold turkey about a month ago. It's only when I read about the withdrawals and cravings that I've ever gotten the urge to smoke. Chewing gum really helps and there is no need to have to eat so much - you'll see. And like my husband says, I can always lose a few pounds if I have to, but trying to battle cancer is a whole different story! Good luck and I know you can do it!
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Well the week I decide I'm going to go for it...(this past week) was the worst....I swear worked was heck-my son---oh don't even get me started there....and bills, etc....I know it's just like everyone I should shut up...

The thing with me is I'm broke....I HAVE to quit---I have 1 pack of cigs left and no money for anymore---so it's time...don't get me wrong....I want to anyway....but the time has come and it has to be now...

The gaining wieght thing really freaks me out----I use to be a puker----and I don't want to start that up again...I stopped that about 5 years ago....but I'm scared once I quit smoking and the pounds start to come on that's what is going to happen...

Thanks everyone!!!
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