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I'm brand new here

Is there anyone else here that is a "secret" smoker? It's really embarassing, but my family and coworkers don't know that I have been smoking. I am so tired of sneaking around and being ashamed every time I buy a pack. I want to quit so badly, and I feel helpless. I hope that joining this community is my first step in becoming smoke free (again) and staying that way.
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11 Replies

Thank you so much for the encouragement! Also, CONGRATULATIONS on 13 days! That is huge!
I don' t think I realized what a toll this has taken on me, it seemed like such a small thing at first. I quit a long time ago, and stayed smoke free for five years before giving in to a random urge one day and buying a pack. That was all it took, and I was right back. It is great to find people that understand what I'm going through and have had success. I'm feeling a little more confident now, though still a bit overwhelmed.
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Hi there. The "secret smoker" thing is exceptionally nasty. I bought stock in the companies that make breath mints and gum! I have gone to great lengths to hide the smoking. One time I was smoking in my car and thought I saw someone I knew. I threw the cig out the window so fast, it actually blew back into my backseat and rolled under my drivers seat. There was no room to pull over at that moment, so I drove on...smiled and waved at my friend.... while my butt was on fire. Now that is true commitment to secret smoking!
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Hi there. The "secret smoker" thing is exceptionally nasty. I bought stock in the companies that make breath mints and gum! I have gone to great lengths to hide the smoking. One time I was smoking in my car and thought I saw someone I knew. I threw the cig out the window so fast, it actually blew back into my backseat and rolled under my drivers seat. There was no room to pull over at that moment, so I drove on...smiled and waved at my friend.... while my butt was on fire. Now that is true commitment to secret smoking!
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Speaking of bottles. On my last quit, I sipped sodas, waters, ate crackers, veggies, snack mix etc. I gained weight through it anyway. I want to try not to eat in the car this time (I spend alot of time in my car). I was also considering using "Alli" ( the medication that doesn't allow fat to absorb- but lets you "pass it through"into the toilet). My daughter is trying it, likes it, but needs the bathroom frequently. Basically, if I turn my ass into a cannon - I will be searching for bathrooms instead of smokes? lol.Good plan?
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Speaking of bottles. On my last quit, I sipped sodas, waters, ate crackers, veggies, snack mix etc. I gained weight through it anyway. I want to try not to eat in the car this time (I spend alot of time in my car). I was also considering using "Alli" ( the medication that doesn't allow fat to absorb- but lets you "pass it through"into the toilet). My daughter is trying it, likes it, but needs the bathroom frequently. Basically, if I turn my ass into a cannon - I will be searching for bathrooms instead of smokes? lol.Good plan?
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hahahaha... that is one way to do it I guess!
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That is so funny, and so true! I have done that, and even gone to the extent of leaving work late so that my coworkers wouldn't see me on the road smoking. I have a bottle of fabric refresher in my car that I keep hidden so I can spray myself before I get home. Then I'm still not sure I don't smell like smoke, so as soon as I get in I go and change clothes. It's actually really sad. I know which stores to buy cigs where they don't show what I've purchased on the receipt, only the total. Yep, it's definitely time to do something about this!
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One of my biggest triggers is the car. I think this is probably true for most "hard core" secret smokers. It is the one "safe" place to smoke. Unfortunately, I am in my car ALOT during the day. I also view my car as a vehicle to go get smokes anytime. I know it will be a real challenge. I am looking for ideas to help. This web site advises us to "delay" and eventually be smoke free in the car and smoke when we arrive at our destination (to decrease the car trigger). Secret smokers cant really do that! I can't pull up in front of my workplace and light up in the parking lot! Sheesh....ruin my fraudulent reputation! Ideas?
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I have the same problem! I have a long commute to work every day, approx. one hour each way. Perfect for smoking, right? I can cram in probably 5-8 smokes in that time. Then there's leaving for lunch, go over to the parking lot at the mall down the street and sit in my car and smoke. I don't really know how to stop completely... I can delay for a while, but once I get there I can't get out and do it! No one at my job smokes, and truthfully it is not allowed on the premises.
In the past when I have tried to quit on my own, I would make phone calls from the car. It is difficult to talk and smoke because having the window down makes so much noise. Perhaps if you have a particularly chatty friend or relative that you know will take up some time, you could call them while you are on the road?
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