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Give and get support around quitting

I'm a closet smoker

I quit over a week ago, or at least everyone thinks so. I am only lying to myself. My husband came home and he smokes so guess where I was. Right there with him. Now, I'm not sure I can stop again. I can make it through my work day without smoking which is good. I do have a new quit date set for July 1st. I will be completely done then and I'm hoping my husband does it with me. As far as my family and friend know.....I've quit. Sucks that my strength isn't there. I just keep going back to it. Any suggestions?????
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5 Replies

You don't HAVE to tell anyone anything, but you HAVE to be honest with yourself. You are only cheating- you. Smoking (or not) is a choice. Once I realized that I am choosing to not smoke, it became difficult to "cheat". If you quit once- you can quit again. You have to figure out if you really want to. To only do it half heartedly is really torture. Make the commitment first, then quit.
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I agree with you whole heartedly. My Husband and I had a really good talk and we are giving ourselves a quit date of July 1st. I told him that he can't come home if he is still smoking. He leaves again tomorrow so my "bumming" will have to stop as no one else around me smokes. I still refuse to buy them and I know I can do this. I do want to quit. I chose to quit. Thank you for your inspiring words.
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It's true. You do have to be honest to yourself. Also, it is hard to cheat too. It's been 30 days for me, and because my husband still smokes, i still find myself tryinG, but cannot bring myself to do it. I feel guilty. i like the guilt feeling. it makes me remember how bad it would be to go back. Although i miss it so much. i miss it so much im afraid! But I do not want to lose this battle!!
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it's trying to quit drinking but living in a need to save yourself it twice as tough if you live with a smoker.
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i'm right there with you on this. my husband leaves cigarette for me when he goes to work. i really can go all day if there is none to be had. i don't even buy them... i guess to break the habit you have to replace the negative habit with a positive one. light some good smelling candles. its tough!!!!!!!! you do have the strength, just don't put so much pressure on your self....
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