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Give and get support around quitting

I'm Ready

I'm making my preparations and I feel really excited about quitting!

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4 Replies

Also, I'm 26 and have been smoking a pack per day for 8 years.

My wife recently had a daughter. I want to quit so I can be there for her.

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Congratulations!  I am on day 4 and so far so good!  Are you using any medication or patches?  I am using chantix.

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My quit date is 3/1/13. I have a doctor's appt. on 2/20 to see which type is best.
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the chantix works reallly well for me. I know some people who have terrible nightmares while on it but that doesn't bother me.  It really seems to help with the urges. Not that many and they never last that long.  Good Luck and WTG!

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