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I'm In The Most Pain Tonight

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I like the quote from Leonard Nimoy's wife that you always think you have more time than you really do.

I am closing in on the age my father was when he died of smoking. I am struggling with the same degree of addiction and this can not go on any longer. The pain tonight is incredible. Nicotine is ripping up my body. I have been smoking cheap cigars through a pipe and it is a bit like OCD. I smoke to mask the burning sensation in my lungs and throat from smoking. It has gotten so bad that I am chain smoking. I am praying to God for my health. I am not a very religious person but I have never been in so much pain in all my life. I picked September 30th as my quit smoking date but I am not able to make it one day without smoking.

 Smoking is making me too sick to function. I have called 911 a few times because the pain was beyond dealing with. The hospital say's it is a psychiatric condition and not a medical issue. It is an addiction issue.

I wish there was a recovery program that included housing for addiction to nicotine but it is not included as an addictive substance by any provider where I live. I have a very serious addiction problem and it is very quickly making me too sick to function day to day.  I am sitting here chain smoking as I write this letter. I am very scared that I can't quit and it is killing me day by day. I am not eating or getting to the store to buy food. I am just smoking. I have burned through my savings and I am waiting for a social security check. I have spent all of my money on tobacco. Tonight I am sicker than I have ever been in my entire life. I wish there were such a thing as intervention. I went to the hospital recently after surgery because the combination of anesthesia and smoking made me too sick after surgery. I spent two days in the hospital and that is the most time I've spent without smoking. I need some kind of intervention in my life.


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I am going to try to get through this weekend smoke free. My quit date is fast approaching and I need to find it within me to begin making the change. I had quit for several years and began smoking again in 2017. It took considerable effort to begin smoking as the smoke really irritated my system. I've done it before and I want to do it again.

I accept your analysis as a solution. Thank you so much for taking time to read my post. 

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I'm not the best one to respond to this tonight as I'm sick tonight as well but not from smoking but I've watched as two people have reached out for help with no responses and it was hard for me to watch . 

Why don't you start tomorrow , throw the packs away and lean on  the Ex as your support . Make a choice . Nothing to lose right .  

Look back in later or in the morning , perhaps most have signed off for the night , its early where I am but many have  been on all day . In the meantime read here . 


Thank you for responding Maki.  I am having a tough time tonight.

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I look at you and think "I quit, why can't he".  Someone that managed to stop when they were young would look at the 5-6 serious times I tried and failed to quit and think "I did it when I was young, why could he".  Point is, it's easy to look at someone elses situation and have an opinion based on your own experiences.  What you probably wish is that someone would pick you up, take you to a ranch far in the mountains with no access to transportation and no stores for 100 miles, and support you for 30days while you "got off nicotene".  But that ain't gonna happen.
I'm guessing a lot of people did not chime in here because they didn't know what to say.  "We are here for you" and "You can do this" aren't going to get you what you want.

And you asked for an intervention.  Interventions are always love fests w/ lot's of hugging.  They can include lots of yelling too.  They aren't always nice.  Nobody here can come there and intervene.  And unfortunately, you are right, insurance and govt funding don't seem to support the same level of treatment as illegal drugs.

So what do you want?  I'm assuming to quit of course.  I'm sorry, but you will have to do this on your own.  We can be supportive, give suggestions and encouragement, but it is still going to come down to you.  I'm reminded of a video I watched of a 600lb mans wt loss journey.  He video taped himself over time as he lost wt.  Originally, he lived in a trailer, had to have food delivered, and struggled w/ a walker to cross the room.  His original "exercise" (which he would post every night) was him sitting on the couch flailing his arms in front of him like a turtle on his back.  His only options were to do what he could.  Of course its again easy for me to point out that others overcame what seemed like insurmountable odds, when its taken me 40yrs and 6 quit attempts to get to my wimpy 18day quit.

So yes, your situation seems extremely tough.  But just like the person in trailer, extreme situations can be overcome.  All we can offer is kind support and suggestions.  And some of us like me will offer something a bit more direct, in which case you won't hurt my feelings by telling me you don't want to hear from me again.  I'm rather blunt.  I would get more from a drill sargeant yelling at me than someone rubbing my back.

My suggestions:
1) You sound like you have insurance as you mentioned insurance.  Does it pay for counseling?  Sounds like you need it.  Don't take that in a bad way.  I needed counseling once and thought it was very beneficial.  Doesn't even have to be a trained psychologist if you can't afford that.  Some churches offer it for free.  You need someone to talk to one on one though.  Internet connections are great, that's why I'm here, but they don't replace person to person help.

2)  Can you afford NRT?  I'm not a big fan of NRT as I thing all it does is prolongs the length of time it takes to quit, but at your level of intake of nicotene, you may seriously need it.  And if you buy the Equate brand at Walmart, it seems pretty similar to the cost of cigarettes.

3)  And lastly, only you can get yourself through that first day, whether it be to quit all nicotene, or it be to switch to NRT.  It is nerve racking leading up to that first day, and the first hour of the first day is the toughest cause most people fail to even launch their quit, but if you make it through the first hour, there is a good chance you will make it through the first day.

Like I said, you can get lots of support here, and feel free to tell me to go away, but only you can do the work.
Hope something in all that helps.  It would be awesome in one year to have you on here helping others and saying "when I started, all I could do was flail my arms like a turtle".


I am going to try to get through this weekend smoke free. My quit date is fast approaching and I need to find it within me to begin making the change. I had quit for several years and began smoking again in 2017. It took considerable effort to begin smoking as the smoke really irritated my system. I've done it before and I want to do it again.

I accept your analysis as a solution. Thank you so much for taking time to read my post. 

Not applicable

Was just going to say you don't need to be housed to break your smoking addiction , you can do this . You have support here . There is Mayo if you have insurance that will send you daily messages of hope , inspiration and tips to help you on this journey . There are also other sites that can compliment this one as well such as nicotene anonymous that have meetings on line . There are many avenues for you to explore . Don't be your worst enemy instead  be your best advocate . 

Take the step . If this is addiction , you can do something about it . You can quit smoking . It's not impossible . You are of worth and value . 

Here is a very important message from triplebypass . His story may be what you need to hear . 

I was a smoker for 45 years.7 weeks ago i had emergency bypass surgery.It was suppose to be a double bypass but after my sternum was wired back together still on the operating table i suffered two strokes and a major heart attack which i died from. I was dead for 10 minutes . After reopening my sternum the surgeon was able to get my heart going again. I was given a second chance at life and I must honor the cardiac surgeon's and their team who worked to save my life for nearly 8 hrs. I have been on a nicotine patch from day 1 but still have fleeting thoughts to have a smoke when i am bored, stressed, or finishing some random task etc. I no longer have cravings but the habit of rewarding myself with a smoke is what I need help with, I hope that i will fully regain the use of my right hand that was affected by the two strokes. Three weeks of therapy at the Glen Rose Hospital  got my hand functioning enough to use as my dominant hand but with time hopefully the neural pathways should be repaired giving me back full functionality of my hand. I hope my experience from smoking will motivate you to quit for good. Don't ever think this will never happen to you cos' thats what i always thought.