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Give and get support around quitting

I keep making excuses:(

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I generally am not a fan of sharing aspects of my personal life, especially one I struggle with as much as I do quitting vapes. I am 2 and a half years free from the grasp of cigarettes but it’s hard to be proud of that as much as I want to because vapes took their place the moment I quit smoking. With an overwhelming and unusual amount of legal stress, school, work, and mom stress, the headstrong mindset of quitting comes and goes. I keep telling myself once this vape run out, I won’t buy anymore. Yet the day it runs out I find myself feeling defeated at the vape shop again. It’s been a viscous cycle for months! I got patches and lozenges to help the process seem less daunting, but it hasn’t fully worked. I need some kind words, maybe some stories similar to mine to let me know that I will indeed find it in myself to successfully put the vape down. Not only for my sake, but my kids and loved ones. 

17 Replies

@mpartr1 Congrats on 10 days of success.  That's fabulous.  It's never "only".  Everyday without smoking is an achievement to be proud of.   I also chewed on straws!


  • Distract, delay, decide. Do all the strategies put forth by @YoungAtHeart and all the members here.  Put off each vape longer and longer.  If you fail, get back on track, pop a Nicorette gum, DO DEEP BREATHING.  Challenge your limiting beliefs.  Tell yourself, I’m not a smoker.  When you have that belief (and you can write it down), you will train your body and mind to think differently.  Shop for healthy foods that will nourish you so you can feel for yourself what healthy really feels like.  Do deep breathing and forgive yourself for past mistakes.  Today is a brand new day to make new decisions! 🙂

I just quit vaping, threw out my vapes tonight. I'm feeling quite alright. I hope it will last, then it will be in the past. (Poetry intended.)😁


@Shalom_1982 Glad your still with us and haven't given up.  Congrats on your first day!



Keep making that poetry!  i think its GREAT you threw that sucker out. I use patches and straws . CONGRATS! on day 1 you can do this, i can just tell!  I'v been an ex-smoker for 11 days....and that is the first time i called myself and, it feels pretty great!!!  

well you have done the hard part, deciding to quit, so you GO GUY!!!!!!!!!


In September of 2013 I was hit with a desire to quit smoking. Although I'd had a sneaking thought of it from time to time, even controlled my smoking, I hadn't had a real desire to quit for a while--nor a belief that I could succeed.

I was 54 and had smoked most my life from age 17 on. The desire to quit seemed to come out of nowhere but it stuck and that desire within 24 hours became a decision and that decision over two and a half weeks became a plan as to how--details and to-dos. 

It was troubling. I didn't recognize myself. The plans, the sudden go ahead to quit. But I kept at it no matter how weird it all seemed. 

Take time to decide  that you will quit. At this point by promising to quit and not following through you are teaching yourself a new routine--your mind is becoming accustomed to "I'll quit tomorrow..."   Tomorrow never comes for quitting because it will always be about tomorrow. I've been there, a lot of quitters have. And we've also tried to bargain with addiction, or make excuses such as 'I can't because...'

Stress is a common excuse. No judgement  from me on that. Like I said I was 54 before I quit for good one day at a time. I made a lot of excuses in all those decades.

You've got the first piece of the quit puzzle: you want to quit. Take some time to think about how you will make that happen. Avoid promising, think about a plan--one that will make sense to you. Try to take stress off the table as a legitimate reason to go back to vaping. Your stress is real, but maybe it's better for you to see it as it really is--life happening. You may not like it (do any of us?) but you can learn to deal with stress without vaping.

One step, one day at a time you can do this.

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Just WOW!