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Give and get support around quitting


I have to quit because my health and I'm ready. Need some advice.

I need some advice from anyone who is in the process of quitting. I set my quit date for November 2. I have to quit because I want to be healthier, see my kids grow up, and it's the best thing to do. Last week, I had gotten sick and went to the doctor. She did a chest x-ray and a few days later, she said we need to discuss inhalers because there's COPD change on your x-ray. This gave me a major wake up call that I've not been diagnosed with COPD and maybe this is the kick in the butt I finally need. I've been a smoker for over 20 years and in my 40's. This scares me to start medicine like this so it's time to quit but it's going to be really hard. Anyone have some good quit tips to help me get started? My oldest brother who has COPD told me it takes three days to do without to get it out of your system. But I need some strong advice on how anyone got started and got through those first few days. Any help would be appreciated. 

33 Replies

Hi Gina, I tried really hard today to do without and use a nicotine patch. I did smoke two but it was a record for me to do without a cigarette for almost 6 hours. I am so determined to do. I even went out and bought an adult coloring book with all kinds of positive affirmations and mantras. It is helping a with the cravings and I'm going to find other things to keep my hands busy. If anyone has good tips for that one. We can do this and if you need support, I'll be here! 

Holly, your Quit Journey will definitely not be linear - some days will go much better than others! Fasten your seatbelt - it's going to be a bumpy ride!

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Love the kitties. I have two at home and we recently had a 10 week old kitten break into my house and made himself at home on my daughter's bed. Lol I'm ready for the challenge 🙂

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Samsgurl2018‌ Today is Global Cat Day...I heard that on the morning news.  MY cats apparently already knew because one of them came into my room SCREAMING first thing this morning.  She never does that and it was waaay earlier than I usually get up to feed them.