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Give and get support around quitting


I have not had a cigarette in 25 days until today. I slipped up. I don't know why but I felt the urgency to smoke one. I don't know if it's because of all the stress and stones thrown in my path that I felt the need to smoke.

Was all that work for nothing? Or is the time put in still worthy even if I did slip up one time? 

33 Replies

When i got that craving, that anxious feeling, the real bad one i went for long walks... 2-3-4 miles long! When i got back from the walk i felt great and that craving was gone. As i built up confidence in myself that i can do this it was getting easier. Believe you can you're halfway there is so true. Finding another quitter i could relate with was key. I didn't have to make long posts or long conversations for him to get it. Short and sweet and he shared how handled it. There are all types of successful quitters on this site. That 80 lb weight loss is awesome.. If you want to quit you will quit just like you dropped the Lbs   


No doubt. I’m feeling good about this already. Guess I’ll get out of bed now and do something productive. Let’s keep our dialogue open if you don’t mind. I think there’s three hours between us to so I’ll be mindful of that in the future.


I can also add this: In a way it wasn't all for nothing. We all learn from our slip ups and relapses.  Whenever you slip up make it easier on yourself and get back on track straight away and say to yourself that you can do this and that you wont regret trying! Tell yourself that you are a non smoker and live like you have already fully quit. You got this!


Hmm this post was written June 29 th . 

I'm wondering how it all worked out kilogram 23 ? 

Are you quit ? Did you smoke more than  1 ? 

Would love if you'd update the community . It may help you and others learn and for myself its a reminder that one puff is dangerous thinking , don't do it . 

Our immediate reaction is regret .

Our next reaction is we don't want to go back to day one . Do we have to ? 

Then we hear only what we want to hear . 

Then we want comfort or forgiveness and a second chance . 

Its all quite painful . Better had we not smoked at all I would say . 

For some the lesson will be learned , for others like I myself , who lost an eight year quit for a puff , I learned one puff is dangerous thinking and one puff for me is never enough . 

I hope you are still hanging in there with us ... still quit , or coming back to give it another go . You can do this .