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I feel so lost

Quit day was yesterday. Today I really don't have a ton of physical withdrawal symptoms but emotionally I just feel lost. I find myself wondering around the house...I guess out of habit heading to my smoking place but then realizing I don't go there any more.  I assume this will get better but so far...this sucks.

15 Replies

Hi.  Congrats on quitting smoking.  Must of us experience that lost feeling. Expect anything in the beginning of a quit.  Hang in there though.  The final product is too good for words.  You can do this.


What you are feeling is rather normal.  Preparing and planning for times like these is very important.  Let's get started.

Welcome to EX.  You have come to the right place for a new day and a rebirth.The idea is to start at the beginning by making a commitment that no matter what happens or goes on in your life that you will not use it as an EXcuse to smoke.  With that philosophy you will have success on this journey.  No it is not easy but it is doable by using that principle and educating yourself about nicotine addiction.   If you hang around you will see that quitting is doable, because many of us have.  Look forward to a new day and a new way of life.  It is all up to you.  This is all about you and what you are willing to do to be smoke free. Quitting smoking requires hard work and determination not to give up.   It can be challenging at times but you will learn that it is doable if you adhere to NOPE not one puff ever no matter what. Start first, by educating yourself about nicotine addiction.  Education is the key to a successful quit.  Read: Freedom from Nicotine My Journey Home and Nicotine Addiction 101         

Here are the links:   and

I also encourage you to read. Allen Carr’s book, “Easy Easier Way to Quit Smoking”.       

The link is here:

 Go to and get started. 

0 Kudos

The first thing I thought when I read your post was that you were grieving. It is okay and it is very normal. Like Jackie mentioned above if you haven't already, read about the addiction to help you understand the process. Hold strong as you can do this. I haven't quit yet, but my quit day is coming up and from prior attempts at quitting I know this "loss" will be a lot easier for me since I have been reading and realize that it is an addiction that I am losing, but one that will benefit me many times over in my future.


I get the blues really bad when I quit.  Thankfully I won’t go through them again like you do in the first month   !  I think it has to do with your brain “resetting” your dopamine triggers (read up on the law of addiction from the whyquit link JACKIE1-25-15 sent you! ) hang in there it will get better!  You are on the road to life again.  Yay for you! 

there's a letdown because you aren't getting the dopamine and you're missing your smoking routine.



Keep coming back to Ex, here you'll find plenty of healthy distraction from the blues. Yes you will find normal again. 


                          Welcome So Glad You Are Here !!!!

The first few days do really suck ! Find things to do rather then wander and when you do wander and find yourself looking for or reaching for that sickerette, give your head a shake and say to yourself "I don't do that anymore " and know  that these days will pass you will  be okay. It is okay to feel lost ,it is withdrawal from something physically addicting and the habit of smoking is so ingrained in the brain that it takes awhile for you to learn new behaviors and as long as you say N.O.P.E (Not one puff ever ) and SINAO ( smoking is not an option ) you will make it through just as we have ! thinking positive will help you immensely do not allow the negative thoughts to take over !saying flowers rock good on for quitting.jpgYou have the power within you to accomplish your goal !

                                 sayings quit ex what to do when not smoking !.pngex quit.jpg

/blogs/Storm_3.1.14-blog/2015/04/14/the-grief-cycle-youre-not-going-crazy   You're breaking up with your best friend.  He's a blog written by a member here.  it addresses exactly what you're going through

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Yes, it really sucks! Keep these Days fresh in your mind! We have a saying here - Never Ever Forget! Never forget how much those first days supersuck so you will never have to go through them again! It does get better! There's only one direction - forward toward FREEDOM!