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Give and get support around quitting


I am just so angry with myself

 I can only quit smoking 3 months at a time I have quit half a dozen times this time I only quit two weeks and have the support of my fourteen-year-old daughter and my four-year-old grandson I am just don't know what to do wh

I need help I only quit for 2 weeks and have great support from my fourteen-year-old daughter and my four-year-old grandson this is the sixth time I've tried to quit and I just keep going back to it so sick and tired of it what can I do? I make a plan I write great things in my journal I feel so empowered and then somehow I slip and I fall right back into it horrible I just don't know how to do it and stay quit

24 Replies

I'm trying but still struggling. I hope you are doing better

On Sat, Sep 21, 2019, 4:48 PM JACKIE1-25-15 <>


Before I came to EX, I made many plans to quit. So many, in face, that my husband would just laugh and say, "Yeah, ok..." He made bets with his friends how long I'd last. Most times, not more than a day!

What was different this time? This time, I didn't try through merely willpower. I took the advice of all here and learned as much as I could about nicotine addiction. Once I uncovered what it is IN ME that made me want to smoke, smoking began to feel SO STUPID and a total WASTE OF TIME and MONEY! (And $$$- Do you know I have saved over $1000 by quitting so far???)

Oh-- here's another empowering tidbit: There is NOTHING wrong with you that is causing you to continue. You are not broken. You are not faulty. You are not weak. It's the drug. And if you want to take back control, there's no option but to step up. Learn about the addiction and set your next date to face off. Only this time, see it as a thing to beat, not a flaw in your character.


No worries.  You know now that quitting is not easy. So be prepared for little more hard ways to break the addiction next time. Surely you will succeed. 

Alan Carr book is nice. You read it if not read already. If read already, read it twice/thrice. 

Understand, had it been so easy, every smoker would have turned to ex smoker by now. Most of smokers want to quit, but they can not. The success rate is 5% or so. So keep the confidence, and get into 5% by putting 100% efforts in quit. 

Once you quit, you need to stay on your promise that what may happen, no means no smoking. What may happen, let it be. During craving many more thing you can do, see nice posts already shared for you in this. 

All the best !


Don't be angry with yourself.

Direct that anger toward the addiction & show it who's boss.

It's always your decision to smoke or not. Make the right decision each and every time, even when the big excuses reasons come along (and they always come along).

You can do it, the strength is inside you! One day at a time.......


I've tried many times.  The longest time was 2 yrs.  I keep breaking my quit day and feel like a failure.  I just started this program praying for success.  Praying for you.