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Yesterday I stopped smoking. Day 1. It is tough. But I am glad to be free. I truly hope it will carry on!

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Ellen I don't deserve it. Today I smoked a pack! There is a situation I had and simply I fell out of a wagon.

Big shame. What can I say

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I am so sorry you made a decision to smoke today.  But - don't spend any time beating yourself up.  Do the prep work (again if you did it before) and get back at it!  You might think about what caused you to make the decision to smoke and make a plan NOW for what you can do differently in your next quit if the same situation occurs.

Please don't let another (or more) months go by before you start again.  Just DO it!  Let us know how we can help!



My friend, it's not about ' what you can say.''s about, 'what will you do'?

You know smoking isn't going to make/change any situation...they will come and go smoking or not smoking.

That said, I surely can understand because I had more failed quits than I have fingers. There is light at the end of the tunnel seems unlikely, it did for me...I remember well. I remember thinking  "I will never be able to do they do it"????

It's not just this site , for me anyway. It was the application of what I learned on this site, that made my crazy quits become a thing of the past. I had plenty of excuses why I would never succeed at quitting, but I proofed myself wrong when I actually understood what nicotine was doing chemically in my brain to keep pulling me back. THAT in itself was key for my quit.

I hope you get right back in the saddle. You know you want to quit after all or you would have never come here. I wish you well and hope we see you digging in your spurs soon!


I am SO SORRY...please keep in mind that smoking does not fix anything, I am glad that you came here and told us, that will give you strength to start over AND to succeed long term.  I really suggest that you come here every the morning and at night, blog, read blogs, get to know how people get through those first days.  It is worth it and it WILL get easier.



So sorry to hear that you smoked today.  Just stay positive and remember a slip does not mean your quit is over.  Carry positive thoughts and remember you got this.


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AWE!!! So sorry you smoked today.  I sure hope you find it in within yourself to quit again asap and know cravings don't kill anyone but cigarettes I am afraid do.   I know its hard I have been there and done that, but if you dig deep and refuse the crave and temptation to smoke it will eventually gets better.  YOu CAN do this. Come here first before you smoke and let us help you.  Set a date and restart. YOu CAN do this!!!!

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Thank you. Exactly, doing is what is important. I couldn't lie to you. Had to be honest with myself and community here. Well, no, even today I didn't quit. There was a smoke day, however, now I know that it won't happen again.


You can do it !!!!!!!!!!!! Start by saying N.O.P.E. = Not 0ne Puff Ever and when a crave hits respond with, "I don't do that anymore !"



Sorry but I have not smoked in 8 days. I was responding to someone else's message.

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Ivan, when we feel compelled to smoke, we don't have to act! We can change our minds at any time. Once I drove around the block of the gas station for 30 minutes. Once I stood at the pharmacy counter (what a weird place to display and sell Sickerettes!) and stared for what seemed like forever. Once I actually went inside and said, "Marlboro Red hard pack.....oh never mind I just want this gum." I've reached for the phantom pack in my shirt pocket, dug through all my winter coats, even stared with desire at the butts laying in an ashtray! YUCK!

Turn to your commitment! Once you do that you can literally turn your back and walk away! That's why the Daily Pledge works! I still keep up with the pledge - not that I think I'll need it but that I think I might need it! 

Have a plan for just such moments because otherwise you'll think in words of , don't, can't shouldn't which you aren't able to sustain! What will you do instead????? That is the question you must have the answer for at all times!

/blogs/Maggie_quit_8-1-2010-blog/2012/03/19/100-things-to-do-instead-of-smoking?sr=search&searchId=e...‌ like come here and type HELP in the headline! I promise you that you will get an overflow of response 24/7 and we're very good at talking people off the ledge.