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Give and get support around quitting



Has anyone had any luck with hypnosis helping them quit?

I saw an add for an on-line hypnosis seminar and thought it might help since so much of smoking is at the subconscious level of our brain.

I don't think hypnosis ALONE is enough.  There is no silver bullet that will instantly kill the NicoDemon.  But I am all for using whatever works.

Curious about who has tried this


Keep the Quit
14 Replies

When I was much younger I tried Hypnosis to quit smoking...  All I can remember was soothing words and calmness I felt when my therapist talked about, “Now take a deep breath and truly feel how wonderful that clean fresh air...” or something like this...

The fact that I did not quit, was I really did not want to!  Plain and simple.  Attitude and commitment are the keys to success.  If you have those two qualities, then I think Hypnosis would probably make it easier to quit.


Many, many moons ago I tried hypnosis a few times.  Two times I was in a group.  I actually quit for about 12 hours  I had a psychologist do it another time.  None of it worked  The only thing that worked for me after multiple years and multiple quits was 2 forms of NRT and this site.  I came here everyday for over a year.  You can do this.  Find your way.


I smobered up on my own (no Ex) and cold turkey. At the time I did not see cold turkey as a method but as a reality. Poop or get off the pot--is what was going through my mind. Once I quit, the ride got really wild and I needed help but I thought I was alone--that no one could understand. I imagined that quitters who had succeeded in letting go were a bunch of haughty people who could not understand my struggle and I feared they'd make fun of me. Haven't you arrived yet, Mary?

I had the benefit of years of AA, the benefit of being raised by parents and grandparents who taught me how to handle the ups and downs of life. These good forces played a part in helping me to quit at all. But nearly three years in and I was lonely for a substantial change in my thinking. Not long after that I joined Ex. Although Ex cannot keep me smober, it is here that I get a chance to be reminded of what it takes to live smoberly--and the job is never done. I get to hear others talk about what it takes to pull smobriety from the jaws of addiction. This is my sustenance. I believe I could have stayed smober without Ex, but I want more than my aloneness in this business of quitting.  Some can quit and walk on, I am not like that. My addiction was my way of life, unlearning it has taken all I've got (and I'm usually lazy and like to take short cuts!!!).

I tried free hypnosis on youtube sometime during those first three years...amongst other things. In that I did not smoke and tried to change my thinking--well that helped me some. Do what you need to do, so long as you don't smoke and you struggle forward you are practicing the art of smobriety.


What a good point, Mary.  We use all the tools we have - experience, this site, youtube - whatever it takes.

Keep the Quit

I also did acupuncture once.  The doctor put a clip on your ear lobe.   I quit for a month or two and then started a new job and the rest is history.