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How will I feel when i start my first day without a cigarrete

How will i feel when i don't smoke a cigarrete in the morning

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12 Replies

Don't be afraid to find out. Lots and lots of people have quit and started in exactly the same way, the first step. Welcome to Ex. You are free to involve yourself here as much as you like. One day at a time, yes you can.


As most have already said----you'll have all sorts of feelings on that first day (and for many days after). Some will be positive and some will be challenging to get through. BUT----YOU CAN DO THIS!! We all did and we are no different from you. Do all of the readings suggested and them again!!! I read every day, many times a day at the beginning of my quit. I found to be a lifesaver during really tough moments. There is an article on there for every difficulty you can imagine with quitting.

Stay Strong.

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You actually have choice as to how you feel.  You can choose to feel like this is a wonderful changing moment in your life where you need no longer be a slave, or you can feel like you're losing your best friend.  Where you place thoughts, i.e. HOW you think will determine not only what you think about, but how you feel about what you think.  If you think you're gonna feel just AWFUL - well, you probably will.  If, on the other hand you think, "yeah it'll be uncomfortable, but no big deal" - it's likely it won't be as much of  big deal.  So think the latter rather than the former and your journey will be better!