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Give and get support around quitting


How to even begin and get through the first day

I want to quit...I need to quit... Yet and still I plan to quit then wake up that morning and think of all the completely illogical reasons why I want to KEEP smoking.....and then I give in.  I feel completely powerless over this behavior...but deep down I know I'm not powerless at all and it's up to me to commit and make the change.  Can anyone tell me how they finally followed through on the first day, couple days, week?  

39 Replies

Hip-Hip Hoorayyyyy !! I'm so excited to hear from you and to become Friends and SUPPORT FOR EACH OTHER !!!! I JUST QUIT AT MIDNIGHT !!! (Hour & half ago) Yippeeeee!

Going to Bed Now, and Praying to my Precious Lord Jesus Christ that THIS QUIT IS IN HIS GRACE THAT I WILL BE SUCCESSFUL !!! Hallelujah... Thank You Lord!

And to All My New Friends (Christy) We all know how Precious is the SUPPORT from Each other !! Good Night, Sleep Well to wake, Tobacco Free !!! YES!

0 Kudos

Hi Wantingacig57.  How was your first day??  Hope all went well    


Honestly....trying NOT TO THINK ABOUT IT

More conversation... tomorrow sweet Friend!!

0 Kudos

Awesome Reply, bonnie.s !!! Thank You sooo much for the Sharing of Your Adventure... I am Looking Forward to All of Us Newbies to make it THROUGH THE FIRST WEEK !!!


Thanx sooo much !!

0 Kudos

There is a lot one can do to prepare for their quit. Education about the addiction is one key aspect (and yes, some of the elders will be along to give you plenty of resources. I will just share some of what has worked for me thus far (it's been 44 days since I quit).

Follow the quit plan on this site - upper right hand corner "My Quit Plan". This will give you the basis. You need to make a list of why you want to quit. Having quit multiple times over the years, I will say that you have to want to quit for you! Not loved ones, etc. They are certainly part of it, but most importantly, it has to be for you. Track your cigarettes, this will identify triggers (times or situations you normally smoke) and I would suggest that when you smoke, also add how strong the craving was (1-5) and how much did you enjoy it. I tracked my smokes for almost 3 weeks and discovered there really wasn't too many that I really enjoyed. I also made notes of how they made me feel and found that most of the time they made me feel foggy, lightheaded. You'll need to decide whether you want to use an aid, either an NRT or talk to your doctor about Chantix or Wellbutrin. These can help, though many people are successful at cold turkey. Nicotine itself only takes 3-4 days to get out of your system, it's the addiction that's the hard part. You also need to have a plan of things to do to counter the cravings - most commonly - breathe deeply, chew gum, mint, drink water, stay busy.

The most important aspect is attitude - if you "fight" quitting, it is a recipe for relapse. You have to accept it - your mind will give you all sorts of reasons why it wants it's fix. You need the determination to counter those thoughts.

Last of all is support - you're here and this place is a great way to educate yourself, to reach out in those trying times (particularly the first 2-3 weeks) but even beyond that. WELCOME!!



Congratulations on your success!!!  That's so great!  Also thank you for suggestions.  I've received so much feedback in such a short time!  My quit date is the 18th.  I've been learning alot since I've been on here.  Love it!


Yes, Yes, Yes !! I so enjoyed YOUR POST Doug!

I am Ready with My Whole Heart !!  

Here I Gooo!  ~DAY ONE~

I will be Occupied with Reading all About working Through This Quit with Education and All of the Advice from the ELDERS !! I SO LOOK FORWARD TO DAILY SUCCESS and Learning How to Live This Life to it's Fullest WITHOUT NASTY CIGARETTES !! Hallelujah

0 Kudos

Welcome to the Playground Christy2026‌ and Wantingacig57‌.  The first thing to do is to really want to quit.  Do not quit.  Want to!  We have all fought the daily quit game.  It doesn't work.  Plan a quit date 2 weeks from now, and read, and get excited and cut down a bit, and read more, and hate every cig you smoke and smoke it anyway, and make sure you are smoking alone........Yes, everything is in the articles all over here, but you have to prepare and want to do it...and you can. 

And as dwwms‌ says, it is all attitude.  That is what the image of the playground is all about.  That freedom, without cares, that we had as children.  When our lungs were clean and pink, and we were filled with joy at just being with friends.  No nicotine was needed.

Enjoy the Joy!

And read!



Thank You for Your Awesome Comments from your Heart and Experience !! I have GOT THIS QUIT.. as my Health is VERY POOR because of the Damage that Smoking has DONE !! Tommorow is Day "ONE" and I COULD NOT BE MORE READY !!! THANX SO MUCH!


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Thank you gregp136!!  You all are so supportive I'm feeling more confident as I am reading and receiving all the positive messages!!!