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How much money?

The cost of using nicotine today $6.00 a pack... I remember 3.25 a pack when I started and paid 5.65 for the last pack. What about y'all paid in beginning and last paid for pack? What have you brought or saved with your quitting monies? We moved to a better neighborhood With a pool. 

19 Replies

Yay, I think massage is a great quit tool! The total relaxation, buttery muscles, calming the mind.

Once when I was a teen, we drove to a tiny town in Colorado, where the packs were 50 cents. I haven't bought a carton in over 10 years (as I reduced my smoking to average of  1- 1 1/2 pack per week), however, the last pack I bought was $11.  Simply ridiculous!

For me the cost of smoking didn't stop there. If I was smoking, I was more likely to drink colas, eat fast food and candy/ junk food. I also tended to stay up too late (to extend smoking as long as I could----kind of like binge smoking), and then have insomnia because of a racing heart.

Glad that there is never a reason to start smoking again.


day 15

My last pack was $3.00. Statistically I've saved $3519.45 on purchasing Sickerettes but I've spent close to  $10,000 each Year on medical treatment due to smoking related illness. That's a net loss of $76,400. I should have never smoked. I wish I never smoked. I can't take it back and I can't go back but I will never ever smoke again!


I love you   ✝️

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I realise the numbers may be meaningless but I remember buying smokes for my dad back in the day for 20c and 30c respectively for packs of 20's or 30's.

I started smoking at 19 years old and have no clue what they cost but remember telling myself 20 years later that the day they reached R200 a carton, that's me finished.  Fooling myself all the way.  Also bought my cartons monthly with grocery shopping to hide the price from myself (maturity just dazzles me)

Ffwd another 20  years - since Feb this year I have an extra R1,200 a month (makes me sick to even think about waste for 40+ years).  R600 goes into a savings account (without fail via a monthly debit order) and the other R600 was earmarked for myself for anything I wanted.  Gonna be a (sweet smelling) granny in 3 months' time so there goes the pocket money idea but I spend it so happily on baby stuff instead.




When I was in the service they were 10 cents a pack.

When I started they 25 cents... (daily lunch money)

When I quit, in NY $11.70 a pack or $95 a carton in PA.

Over $2,000 saved.


six dollars a pack? here in Canada a pack of 20 is worth anywhere from 15-18 dollars.  those sin taxes are an excellent incentive to quit.


We moved from NY state to Virginia in 1995, cigarettes were around $2.75-$3.00 a pack here but they were over $6.00 in NY and inching higher.  When I started smoking, they were $2.10 a CARTON...that was back in the late 60's...I didn't buy them by the carton until the 70's, when I was married and working full time.  Prior to that, I didn't really smoke enough to buy by the carton.  

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2.10 a carton and the cigarette companies were still making billions.  staggering.


They are currently $7.75 a pack in Maryland!

That would be costing me $233.00 a month.    Glad I don't do that anymore! 


I sort of smoked in high school, but I remember when I was a college freshman that I paid 35 cents in the college cigarette machines. Funny to think about, as the school was Methodist and refused to have beer sales as they called alcohol sinful, but had cigarette machines even in the student dining hall.  When I quit in 2008 I was paying between $5 and $6 a pack.

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