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How long does it takes for the headaches to go away

Week 2 but it seems the headaches are worst this second week, I'm more irritable crappy still not focus and soon as I have a great moment the tidal wave appears and all hell breaks lose.My head is killing me I have taken more medication for my head than I have ever taken before I gotta back up and ride this on out this is crazy today;(

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6 Replies

2 weeks?

Maybe another week? or less

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I think that's pretty normal. My headaches are practically non-existent now but I do remember while I was still smoking and shortly after quitting, I had major headaches. Be sure to drink plenty of water.

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Drink lots of water. The first couple weeks headaches are very common. Make sure your eating protein as well and lay off the sweets if you can. 


Ready2021   Drink lots and lots of water, take deep breaths.  It will get better.  Try alternating cold washcloths with warm or hot ones.  It WILL pass...believe that.  I know it is hard when the pain is severe.

Glad you came here and blogged, that's the BEST thing you can do for yourself other than NOT smoking.



A big Thanks I have never drunk so much water since quitting I mean I drink water but now I really drink water LOL can you intake too much water?

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Ready2021‌  You actually CAN drink too much water...I know because when I was nursing, I kept drinking water and I actually felt drunk from it.  I drink very cold water and keep it at about 64 oz a day now.  I was not a water drinker before I quit.  Now, I keep it available all the time.  Google drinking too much water, it drops your sodium level too far.

Hope your headache lets up and STAYS let up.


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