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How long do cravings last?

Today is day 19, I know all the nicotine is out of my system but I continue to crave a butt. Wondering when this or if this  ever passes?

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9 Replies

You probably smoked for a long time - when you were happy and sad, hungry and sated, lonely or hurt, after meals, before meals, when you finished exercising, before you started exercising, when you got up, before you went to bed, when you drove in the car, when you left the doctor's, before you went into an appointment, after you left an appointment.  These are ALL associations and triggers you built up over your time as a smoker.  It takes a bit to relearn your life without a cigarette.  All quits are different, but by 130 days, you should start to find longer and longer times when you don't even think about it.  You will work your way up to that over that time.

It gets easier with every day that passes!



Thank you Nancy, honestly I feel like my addiction is evil and attacks when I'm least prepared. Was it you who shared N.O.P.E. Not one puff  ever? It has helped me numerous times. Feel fortunate to have 19 days.

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I also especially liked to challenge that "I want a cigarette" thought with, "well, since I don't do that anymore, what shall I do instead for  the three minutes this craving will last?"  Then - get busy or change your mind's direction.  Try to think of boys' or girls' names for each letter of the alphabet, or try to say it backwards, or do sums in your head.  Of clean out a drawer, or go for a walk, or take slow/deep breaths, or call a friend. 

This does take some effort in the early days, but it gets easier and easier to do, and you will find yourself needing to do it less and less.


I agree with Nancy above me Fergiebarber ,keep moving forward and stacking up your awesome smoke free days keep your mind as well as your hands occupied and stay close to this site because we're all here to help you through the rough patches but you are doing it one precious smoke free day at a time .


Each individual is different.  As time passes the cravings will not be as often or difficult to get through.  Things go easier for me around 80+ days.  The idea is not to smoke no matter what.  NOPE will keep you free.  Just keep telling yourself that you are a nonsmoker.  When you have a craving it may last what 3-4 minutes.  Think of all the things you can do in that timeframe. listen to a song.   You can roll with it knowing it is not going to last for only a few minutes.  I use to think of my cravings and withdrawal as a sign of my body cleansing itself.  It makes it a lot easier. 

I think the craves last as long as we let them last. We know we don't smoke anymore but it takes the mind a little while to get the message, so to speak. JonesCarpeDiem‌ told me during my quit that these were memories. Makes perfect sense to me, and that thought helped me through my quit. 

 I call them the tentacles of addiction, but they're the same thing. It takes us a while to get rid of the memories of smoking, but eventually, the thought of smoking (at least for me), becomes an ugly thought. There really is freedom from addiction down the road.

 I quit six years ago and a couple of weeks ago, when I was suffering from a COPD exacurbation, I actually felt a crave! But here's the thing. That crave was no longer a memory. It was just a thought and one that I was able to laugh at and dismiss with no discomfort whatsoever. It really does get better. It really does become wonderful to be free! Just keep on the path to freedom and each and every day that you don't smoke will get easier. Each and every day that you don't smoke, you take another weapon away from your addiction.

 There's so much peace in the future. Freedom feels so good that yes, eventually you never want to smoke at all!




Everyone is different but for most the cravings are not over in 19 days.  You are an addict and it takes a while for those nicotine receptors in your brain to go back to sleep and shut up.  Keep up the good work - 19 days is great! 


Abstinent Smokers' Nicotinic Receptors Take More Than a Month to Normalize | National Institute on D... 

Check out this article. It explains a lot about why we have cravings and the nicotine receptors in the brain.  They go dormant in time. It will get better for you give it time.


Oh how nice it would be if there was actually a time limit on addiction and cravings.  The beginning is tough, I won't lie to you, I used NOPE all the time, I also yelled into my brain to STOP.  I was completely obsessed with smoking, it was all I thought about when I was awake.  I talked to anyone and everyone who would listen to me.  I cannot tell you when it changed but I can tell you that it DID and that the craves became weaker as my response to them was more of a pffffft kind of thing.  I knew I did not have to give it, I knew I could move forward as a nonsmoker.  I promise you that if you stick with it and you stick with US, it WILL get easier.  Addiction is something we will live with all of our lives but our craves will no longer come so frequently or be so strong.  I have not smoked in over three years and I rarely experience something that could be called a crave.  I do have "memories"...I just have to keep making NEW ones so I associate activities with something other than smoking.  It is something you CAN do!  Stick with us, my friend.  You are doing exactly what you should be doing, blogging and asking for advice.
