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How do you fight agains your triggers?

Start the discussion to share our experiences, learn more about the places and circumstances that pushed us to smoke, what is your main trigger and how has been controlled?.
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12 Replies

Well I'm only on day eight. As of right now when I drive in my car(trigger) I snack on fat free pretzel sticks. When I talk on the phone for any length of time(trigger) I walk around either inside or outside of my home. After meals(trigger) I grab a glass of juice and some hard candy. When I get stressed or anxious I jump on the computer. If I'm having a really bad moment to where I really want to say forget it(has only happened twice) I google cancers related to smoking and that puts me back on track! I have been staying away from peeps that smoke for now. They know why and they support my decision. I started smoking 14 years ago because everyone around me smoked. So to stand them I joined them. Something I really regret!
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When I jump in the car I turn the radio up and roll the windows down and sing...when on the phone I also walk around outside and inside. When I sit down to take breaks from cleaning I eat sunflower seeds chew gum or simply breath deeply, when I get up in the morning I go for a walk or get a cold glass of water...I also tell myself out loud IM DONE!
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I am only on day four of separation. I have found that just by separating I smoke way less-yesterday 5 (compared to 20). I have been using a pen in the car, dash board tapping, when drinking my first cup of coffee, I drink it with my Husband or my Mother in law. Work stress is the hardest time-I have been going to smooze with a coworker to get through the wait time. My co-workers are very helpful and encouraging. So are my friend on facebook, and of course my Hubby. And of course you guys,. I also am remembering to eat lunch, as when I have been hungry its been harder to wait.
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My biggest trigger seems to be waking up! Geez! From the minute I open my eyes in the morning I want two things = a cup of coffee and several cigarettes!.I eliminated all but the morning coffee and cigs for a good while and then FINALLY quite completely last Sunday! I grab a piece of nicotine gum before I ever get out of bed! At least now I don't hate myself in the morning! 😉 I'm just waiting for my energy level to get a big boost! I am grateful that I can breathe much better now and most of my family is delighted with me. What I am finding so surprising is that I don't have an urge to "fidget"! I thought, when I gave up my cigarettes I would be lost as to what to do with my hands, but I'm oddly calmer now than I thought I would be. btw I have not entirely figured this site out, so if anyone posted to me and I didn't answer, don't feel snubbed! I stumbled on a page where a gal named Edith said some encouraging things to me, but when I tried to thank her I couldn't figure out how to do it. Maria<---------puter moron here!
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i have a trigger when i show up to work in the morning. there are several guys walking around outside working and smoking at the same time. everyone at work smokes except my partner that i work with and that is a big help for me. he tells me i dont need it and i believe him. when i stop to take a break the urge gets stronger but i chew gum and talk about the reasons why i am is day 4 and it isnt getting easier.

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I guess the main problem with triggers that they are always there, ready and waiting.  The problem with me is that I tend to forget that I should alway be alert for triggers.  So, as soon as I forget about looking out for triggers, I'm lighting up another one.  Collections Etc.

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I still smoke but I have quit before and here is a tip that worked for me in the past.  Fill a mason jar full of your cigarette butts and when you get an urge, open it and take a big whiff!  I don't know about anyone else but a dirty ashtray is the grossest thing to me so this helped me not want to smell like that..I hope this helps!

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Ewwwwwww, NoSmokes, that is the grossssest thing ever, but I bet that would be amazingly effective! You're right, who wants to smell like that?? I will just THINK of smelling a mason jar full of butts and that should be enough for me! Ewww oh gosh KUDOS for that one! 

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I Have not completly quit yet.. My quit date is January 4th and I am already aprehensive. I get nervous just thinking about it. I have been using this site and find it very helpful. I am working on the seperation issues right now and one of my triggers that I have is when I take my dog outside to potty. I always lit up. To the suggestions of some, I make myself not light up when doing that, and instead, I tell myself that I can either smoke before I take her out or after I bring her in... It worked!!!!! Thank you all for being here for me!!!!

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