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Give and get support around quitting


How do I fill the time where I (used) to vape? Ps... I do it constantly.

I just completed 7 successful days of quitting my ecig, but went back to it because it seemed to get worse and worse every day- I thought it would get better? My moods were unreal.

When I quit smoking I had no choice because I found out I was pregnant and my instinct to protect my child was far stronger than any addiction... but why can’t I apply that same logic to myself now?? They need a mom to be around forever (or as long as possible)! Also... what the HELL do you do to stay occupied? Because I vape I literally do it all. the. time. Sitting at my desk, watching tv, driving, you name it. That hand to mouth is way worse than when I had to walk outside every hour for a smoke. Are there any ex vapers that have found helpful solutions for this? 

13 Replies

Thanks for stepping in and stepping up VAPEASDEADLY‌, lots of great suggestions!



Welcome and it was SUGGESTED to ME to educate MYSELF on MY NICOTINE ADDICTION ONLY- not anyone else- Thanks for sharing and PLEASE know to be HELPFUL is MY only aim- thank you-  VAPING - ECIGS - CIGARS- TOBACCO CHEW- CIGARETTES- ROLL YOUR OWN CIGARETTES- IT IS ALL THE DRUG NICOTINE- hand to mouth for ALL RECOVERING NICOTINE ADDICTS- I stayed on this site the first 90 days and I took the SUGGESTIONS given here - I chew double bubble gum - a bucket a week - I chewed on cinnamon sticks - cinnamon flavored toothpicks- coffee stir straws- different types of suckers- blow pops suckers - dum-dum suckers - crochet- jigsaw puzzle - thanks for letting ME share- gentle hug.


     When I quit, I wondered what would matter as much as smoking and I couldn't imagine a thing would matter as much. It's easy to say that kids, family matter more, that love matters more, but in practice as active nicotine addicts, the nicotine is so easy to get and use that we tend to think it's just a thing we do to fill time in between what matters most. Quitting reveals the addiction for what it is. So when you ask what do you do instead of smoke/vape/get hits of nicotine, I have to answer that you quit instead of smoke. You will re-attach yourself to all that matters to you in your life over time, but this is done just one day at a time. Becoming smokefree is a journey that starts with saying no, I will not smoke/vape. Eventually the problem of not caring about anything else other than getting nicotine fades away and you will find it natural to be smokefree. First walk the walk. Ex is here to help 365, so no need to go it alone.


You got some great advice here.  Don't think I can add a thing.  So I'll just check in and ask how you're doing?  I does get easier.
