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How can i quite smoking for good?

For example i just say no to my self and keep reapeating it to my self over and over until it sink in my brain but when i get stress out i tempt to not crave a ciggarette instead i will chew gum 

4 Replies

Read everything you can links to all your questions are here.   We are drug addicts !!  Find ways here to stop feeding the addiction.. !! 
Knowledge is Power.  mike0771   


H... honest with self minded     W.... willingness H.O.W.


I used N.O.P.E  - Not One Puff Ever because S.I.N.A.O  - Smoking Is Not An Option - please read everything you can about quitting smoking and remaining quit because there's a wealth of information here to strengthen your resolve to kick the nicotine poison to the curb and start living a life of Freedom, quitting smoking is definetly difficult to say the least but very Doable and so very worth it to be Free so hang tough because there's definetly Life after Cigarettes and by moving forward one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time you will be successful so each evening you can look yourself in the mirror and smile and say yay for another Day WON! Mike0771


One day at a time...keep your quit in today and when that seems overwhelming, keep it in the moment.  One experience at a time.  Every time you get through something without smoking, you get stronger, your quit gets stronger.  We have all been where you are, we all had to start at the beginning.