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Give and get support around quitting


How are you doing in your quit?

How is life in general going? How is life effecting your quit journey? If you're in your early days and weeks of quitting smoking then you may be struggling at times BUT please know that it's going to get easier and easier with time under your belt and it definitely gets better and better without the yuckies (cigarettes) deep breaths you will get through the rough patches and into that good in your quit where you realize how much better life is without the crutch and you'll smile at each and every Day WON...It takes time to relearn life without the smokes BUT boy oh boy it's so worth it...


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38 Replies

Thanks Marilyn - I am doing okay here. I keep all EX’ers in my daily prayers......I certainly hope that those with the challenges mentioned above feel much better soon!  


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In HIS love and service - I love YOU Kathy - gentle hug


My heart goes out to all of you who have had or are dealing with these "old age" diseases. (And yes, I know they're not all old age related.)   I'm dealing with a family member who has Parkinsons, and that too can affect the brain.


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I am so sorry for anyone who has family who are not well.  My life is a series of ups and downs. I have yet to get a good quit happening, and sometimes I just want to give up.  Every day it seems I struggle with fear about my daily life and doing the things that are out of my comfort zone.  I don't know what to do with myself but try to find my purpose in life every day.  It's a challenge to keep going on not smoking, but I will give it another kick at the can.


Never Ever give up Chris ♥ you can and will get your forever quit ♥ it's going to stick because you will make that decision that you've had enough and then you will be living your Smokefree Life huge hug coming your way sweetie. ♥ Christine13


Yes, I agree never ever give up. All you can do is give it all you have to get through every bad situation that comes up. My first few weeks were full of things that weren't supposed to happen until I was well into my quit. I had a flat tire which held the trial up where I was a juror, my hot water tank broke, the AC pooped out and had to get a new one, just to name a few. That was an expensive few weeks but I look back and think it was all worth it since I stayed strong and didn't smoke. You can do it!


Sending out hugs to you Christine13 have faith in yourself Christine and God...((((Hugs))) xoxoxoxo Colleen 288 DOF