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How I got Hooked

  It was 1969 and my Jr High School year was coming to an end and I would be starting High School after summer vacation.  I was Petrified.  I was the typical kid who was bullied from elementary school right through high school.  Definitely Not one of the cool kids.

  I grew up in an Italian neighborhood in Corona, Queens NY and until this day think of that as the best time of my life.  Surrounded by all my family it truly was a safe haven for me.  When we moved to Long Island in 1965 everything changed and almost immediately became a target for bullying for so many foolish reasons; I was Italian, I was small and I was a good, respectful kid.

  So now I had to figure out a way to fit in and hopefully become friends with some of the school bullies for my own protection.  Most of my classmates were already smoking while they were in Jr High so I thought, hmmm that might make me cool.  I began smoking on summer vacation and it was horrible but I continued until I became used to it.  Unfortunately by the time school started again I was a pack a day smoker.  Long story short, I didn't become one of the cool kids and now smoking helped me cope with the bullying I faced on a daily basis.

  I think most of us have a 'this is why I began smoking' story and looking back 50 years later I now realize I was foolish to start and to think smoking was 'Cool'.  Now I'm here today, 50 years later, celebrating my One Year Anniversary as a non smoker.

NOW, I'm Cool

  How did everyone else start?

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13 Replies

Me and 3 of my really close friends started smoking because we wanted to "try it". In reality there were these boys that smoked and we wanted to find common ground with them because they were considered cool kids and we were goody two shoes. It took me over 20 years to quit! But on a positive note I still talk to those girls and some of the guys, and we've all managed to quit 1 by 1 over the years. 


The past is irrelevant!  All that counts now is that you are smoke free!!!!!



Again Congratulation on 1 year of Freedom...Thank you Ralph Ralph1955 your story...I must say mine is similar ... I smoked because my girlfriend smoked and she has boys always around her...I hated sister said if you are going to smoke you are going to learn to inhale then look stupid...she taught me to inhale and I was hooked, lined and sinker...Hope you are having a good day ~ Colleen 234 DOF 


I'm not really sure.   It wasn't some memorial event. Two friends of mine in 11th grade started playing around with them and I was not interested.   Eventually, I tried it because of them I guess.   Years later they weren't smokers and I was for 50 years.  I don't remember thinking it was cool, because I often hid it.  Just playing around got me addicted early on.

It's interesting to identify "where" our addictions came from.  When I started there were no warnings on the packages and the addiction aspect of nicotine was a secret held by the tobacco companies.


Congratulations on one year!


Congratulations on one year of freedom, Ralph!

I also started the summer after junior high (after 9th grade, as my high school was 10th-12th). For me it wasn't peer pressure, but sheer curiosity.  Why did so many people smoke?  There must be something that they liked about it to keep doing it, I thought.  One night, my parents were out and my younger sis was at a friend's house for the night.  I grabbed a cig out of an open pack my mother had left on the counter (dad didn't smoke) and went out back.  I didn't cough, just a minor catch in the back of my throat and a little dizziness. But something inside clicked after just a few inhales.  I liked it and knew that I would do it again--and I did, just the next week, and occasionally after that. Though I didn't become a regular smoker for a couple of years, that was the start of my closet smoking, which lasted 47 years.  After a few years of smoking I personally found out why people kept smoking--it's called addiction!


You are cool to me Ralph! Huge Congrats on one fabulous smoke free year!


hey one year...that is cool

And I like Italians.....going to Italy 1st week of October

Had a great Italian neighborhood in St Louis when I lived there called "the Hill" authentic Italian restaurants I have ever been to. Minneapolis only has American Italian food


Congratulations on your one year quit!!

I started when I was drunk. Being in that state of mind you don't make the best decisions. I got one from my boyfriend at the time. The following day when I was sober I thought I would try this smoking thing again in front of the mirror to see see how cool I looked. I looked especially cool as I noticed I lost all the color in my face and immediately had to run to the bathroom to throw up. It took me a few times puffing and throwing up until I finally was able to smoke like a regular cool person should. Now, if that's not total stupidity, I don't know what is.