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Give and get support around quitting


Hi everyone... Great site and glad to be a new member

I just recently attempted my first quit and made it 5 days, but felt like I was just prolonging the inevitable... A sweet savory puff of relief. I hate this addiction!

I am curious if that nagging desire, not the physical withdrawls, but the mental obsession ever leaves. Worried that I may be a smoker for life.

Looking forward to sharing thoughts and feelings with you brave souls.
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3 Replies

I've quit many times, and once I even made it for three years! I think my problem in the past was living with a smoker, which made it too easy to try light up again....

Anyway, I wanted to let you know that the mental obsession to smoke will start to lesson as time goes by, although the amount of time differs for everyone. You will even discover that you can actually go a whole day, week, or month without giving cigarettes much thought! After all, you will find much more intersting things in life to focus on.

I found that even when I was smoking, I was obsessing about when I could get my next cig break, etc. I was obsessing about whether I had enough cigs to last me, how long they would last me, enough money to buy more, getting in that last smoke before entering a non-smoking place, etc. So when you attempt to quit, it's just the addiction's way of keeping you obsessing about the cigarettes. It will diminish and be beatable. Best of luck.
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Hi Brad! To answer your question, I'm not sure the mental urges to smoke really ever leave for good. But here's my thing - do you know what mental urge is stronger and more persistent for me? The urge to be rid of this costly, dangerous, disgusting addiction. I'm tired of the self-inflicted guilt trips, disappointed looks from everyone I'd told about my latest quit, the defeating self-deprecating negative thoughts. I have to repeat to myself; "the only thing I hate more than quitting is smoking". Over and over. Mind over matter. I fear it's as simple as that. You can do it. I can do it. Look how many people on this site are doing it! Inspiring, no? I'm on day 11 and I'm really proud of myself! You deserve to be this proud of yourself, too. ps every time I want one I chug Gatorade or sweet chamomile tea. I think it helps w/ the detox a little and everyone tells me my skin looks great! (i've been wanting one a lot 🙂 Hang in there and let me know how you're doing!!!
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Thank you for your tips!

Your totally right about focusing on where one lets their thoughts go. No matter how I rationalize, justify or minimize the outcome is always the same: smoking will never be a better idea than quitting.

I believe that much of my battle stems from the fact that I am a pleasure seeker at the core, with not much self discipline in those vulnerable moments. Lots of "reprogramming" required for my brain!!!
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