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Give and get support around quitting


Hey everyone, my first smoke-free day!

Hey, I am glad I found this site. I have been smoking for 8-9 years, and I am now 22 years old.

The problem is I am a model/ personal trainer, so aside from all the usual reasons to quit, I have this backing me up too.

I commend everyone on here for making the first step to quitting and one day I hope we will all be a little healthier and richer because we did.

I am at work now so I think I will post some pics later on.
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3 Replies

Big congratulations on your first smoke-free day, and may you have a lifetime of them, too. You're very young. I hope you will quit now because it's my opinion that the longer you wait, the harder it will be. Not only that, the longer you smoke, the more chances of it causing you a disease.

Keep up your good work!
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Way to go! Just try to remind yourself that each cigarette you dont smoke could be another day added onto your life. I'm around the same age as you and it would be a shame to be digging our graves so early knowing we can stop and move on and enjoy the many more years we have coming up. I dont want to be 50 and still doing this as I'm sure you dont either. I was just outside and looked at my "butt jar" and it made me realize the fact that I've wasted so many days already. I wish you nothing but continued success and remember that at the end of the day, YOU are the one who is in control of this.
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great job, keep up the good work. renee
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