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Give and get support around quitting


Here we go again

Something about today has me uneasy again.  It's a little disheartening as I have been feeling good for the past few days.  My feeling is not as bad as it was last week, but I'm unsettled.  I think the trigger was when I let my dog out.  I had a brief flash of smoking as I usually would go out on my deck with her.  I have done all of the things I do to redirect.  One of which is coming here.  I am happy, for the moment, that my family keeps putting dishes in the sink.  At least I have something to do every few minutes (they are pigs).  Normally I would tell them to put their own dishes in the dishwasher, but today I will do it because it really does distract my thoughts.  I will be off to work soon, which will make today easier as I will be very busy.  I know once the day is done I will be happy to have worked through this feeling and have another day WON.  Thanks for listening.


18 Replies

It will definitely get easier.  We truly have to understand the addiction, like any other drug there is a process for withdrawal and our thoughts.  TIME is the healer.  Take one day at at TIME.  A moment if you have to and just breathe.  It will pass.  It does not last forever.  3-4 minutes if you just ride it like a wave and enjoy the ride.  Sounds crazy but it can be done.  ENJOY the freedom. Your new high. 


You WILL get to that place when smoking will just be a memory and not something that rules your life.  Your struggles will be in the rear view mirror - and will seem inconsequential compared to the joy of the freedom you have earned.

I promise!



This too shall pass. You did good by coming here! Great advice again. Deep Breaths, put some Vicks under your nose.


"they are pigs". Hahaha!!  

Those bouts of misery (they pass!) are what's left of your addiction pushing back. What was borderline misery the first few days dies a slow death, and it eventually turns into the annoyance of a gnat you bat away. 

It will happen. The moments of happiness get longer, and longer... and eventually you realize that smoking is a memory, not something you're 'quitting'. 

Hang in there, love. 


Good Morning MichelleDiane‌ -

I'm so happy that you chose to come here rather than succumbing to your crave yesterday.  Congrats on another day of freedom.

  I completely understand what you're going through since I'm right there with you.  I just put my imaginary cigarette down to type this.  I received an email from a colleague who is ALWAYS snarky.  I used to let his messages send me to my backyard to smoke but today, I pretended to have a cigarette between my fingers, raised them to my lips, inhaled and exhaled.  The next time I'll try something that doesn't imitate smoking but that's what got me through that moment.

You should be about 30 days nicotine free, correct?  Keep going...we're from STRONG Island and we can do anything!

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Hey Sandi.  Glad you got through that situation without actually smoking.  Good for you.  Not quite there yet.  Working on Day 24.  It feels good.  And yes Long Islanders (loooonguylanders) are pretty tough.  Make it a splendiferous day!


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Oh Michelle, you and I are in this totally together. This is day 32 for me, and I starred to begin a conversation entitled "WTH is wrong with me"!?

surely these are not cravings or urges, but memories. I hope the others are right. I've had 2 awesome days- basking in the fact that my skin and teeth are soooooo much better. Living the cough-free me, and so many more positives. 

Then...... cooking dinner, I suddenly thought "break time"... and went to GRAB MY PURSE (where I hid my cigs) 

this is a a roller coaster for sure. I'm loving the benefits I'm seeing and feeling, but those "inclinations" to smoke hit fast and unexpected!!!"

hang in there. You're my quit buddy too and I'm counting on you!!! 

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Hey Lisa.  I hear you.  I have been okay, but these past two days I have been so cranky and out of myself.  I definitely see the improvements in my life too and am happy about them.  I'm working my quit.  Congrats on your days (32 WON).  
