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Give and get support around quitting

Here's the Skinny

Back in 2011 I played around with the idea of quitting smoking. It was getting too expensive. I did the song and dance of oh, once cartons get to be $40, I'll quit. Then it was $50, $60. Once it got to $70, I seriously looked into how to successfully quit painlessly. I wanted this to be as easy as possible. Back then, I looked at this as being a habit. Something like biting your nails, shouldn't be that hard, right?

I tried drops, inhalers, e-cigarettes, herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, anything and everything I could get my hands on to make this as simple as can be. Some say the symptoms are gone after 3 days, some said a week, some said a month. All different kinds of information out there on the Internet. They give you these charts telling you after so many days, this will happen, that will happen. When I first gave this whole quitting thing a try, none of those chart statistics applied to me. I wasn't feeling this, that and the other thing. Am I doing something wrong? There's got to be a list somewhere that can tell me exactly what is going to happen when.

By nature, I'm a gal of preciseness. I have to have exact, delineated goals, something to go by. I think that's why when I was looking at the process of quitting as a timeline, a broad look down the road, I got frustrated. This isn't applying to me. I don't understand vagueness. I need facts. I want it and I want it now. Well, Miss Type A Personality, this is an individualized proposition. Every single person is different because every single person's life is not the same. Smoking is not just an addiction to nicotine as is an addition to oxycodone. You don't just wait until the physical symptoms are done and then, poof, you're magically cured. It doesn't work that way. If you want this to stick, you have to figure out the whys. We picked up a cigarette and started smoking for a reason. We didn't just wake up one morning and decide to smoke. What were you using it for?

Some people have the misconception that prescription aids or NRTs (nicotine replacement therapy) is what makes you quit and keeps you quit. Once you stop taking them, something is triggered in your brain that's associated with smoking because you never took the time to track your cigarettes or even notice when you were smoking, perhaps a birthday, family gathering, a night on the town, BAM, you're right back to smoking again. Oh, it must be because I forgot my gum, my patch, my pill. NO, it's because you're allowing yourself, giving permission to yourself to smoke. It's a conscious choice, not an involuntary one. You're standing outside with your friends, doing the same motions you did when you smoked, hanging out with them puffing away on their cigarettes, and somehow you think you're not going to be tempted to smoke. Someone who doesn't know you quit extends a cigarette out to you. Oh, one isn't going to hurt. Trust me, you'll be back to it in no time flat.

Take the time to understand what happens to your body, what goes on in your brain when you smoke. What happens inside that wonderful grey matter. What makes this such a powerful addiction. I'd like you to take 13 minutes and view this video, It's by Mike Evans with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. It's very straightforward and explains very simply what goes on with your brain and how most people perceive smoking. Once you understand the physical aspect and what's going on, quitting will become more like a science experiment. Each day is something new that you're experiencing. Try to view it that way. Search on here for the symptoms or feelings you're having. This journey is very similar for each of us, it's just that some go through certain stages at different times.

With me, it was denial at first. It was a habit. I can quit any time I want to. Read up on grief. Here's a great blog written by a member here /blogs/Storm_3.1.14-blog/2015/04/14/the-grief-cycle-youre-not-going-crazy . Understanding your foe and doing something about it, another excellent blog/blogs/Thomas3.20.2010-blog/2014/06/18/how-nicotine-addiction-takes-over-and-what-to-do-about-it . I have many blogs bookmarked on my profile for me to refer to and also refer others to. A great place to go to for some really stimulating blogs and articles is the So much knowledge to be gained there. Bookmark some of them that really resonate with you. You'll be referring back to them from time to time.

Take the time to learn about this thing they call nicotine addiction. Understand why it's so hard to quit and what to do about it. It isn't just the physical aspect of it. The emotional part of it is what keeps you coming back. Read as much as you can on here. Look up certain topics. Go to member's profiles that you connect with or find their blogs informative. Start reading their experiences, their knowledge, their findings along the way. It may not be exactly similar to yours, but I'll bet that it comes pretty darn close.

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13 Replies

Outstanding blog, Lori.  Seriously, I remember going through those phases of saying I would quit once cigarettes got to a certain price. Early in my smoking career, I bought my cigarettes on a military base at the PEx...I remember clearly that I paid $2.10 a carton.  YIKES! I, too, wanted my quit to be "easy" and I wanted specific numbers of days to document and a known time limit for the discomfort.  Like you, I wanted things to be precise.  I wish they were, I wish that I could tell newbies the exact number of days they would feel like they are struggling but life is filled with struggles...addiction makes everything HARDER.



This should be required reading IMHO.  Thanks for writing this!


This is a great blog, Lori!   I agree with tw5152017  Should be required reading in the beginning! 


This has some great information.  I am book marking it! Thanks Lori!

0 Kudos

The truly should be required reading before you join EX. Wonderfully put blog Lori!

0 Kudos

Awesome blog Lori, and it really is what we ALL go through.  And it is reassuring to know were all in the same lane!

Required for sure!


0 Kudos

A wealth of info right here.  Awesome blog!

0 Kudos

Thanks for posting, just what I needed to read today!

I keep getting hung up on the whole number of days, when does it end stuff. This is not my first attempt, but hopefully my last. With past quits I simply "did it" without much preparation, with each attempt lasting a bit longer than the last.

With this quit I did my homework (finding this site was a big step forward) and find reading some of the posts along with the encouragement I've received so far to give me confidence moving forward.

A big change for me is what you stated, recognize (and embrace) what;s going on.

Getting used to cravings coming, intensifying, then waning. Taking deep breaths seems to really help me out.

Just wanted to thank you for this post as I needed it!


You've got this NeedToBe , one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour, minute or even one second at a time as long as you keep moving forward and stacking up your precious DOF  - Days Of Freedom  then each evening you can look yourself in the mirror and smile and say yay for another Day WON, stay close because we're all here to help me through any rough patches that you may come upon. 

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