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Give and get support around quitting


Here I am...

Ok, I'm here, trying something new. My quit date is September 30, 2008. I plan on cutting back more and more, then no more period. I have the patch and Wellbutrin.
And my son, telling me he doesn't like me smoking. So, here I go...
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15 Replies

Glad you're here, Sonya! I think this will be the last stop on your smoke free journey! We're all here to help! If you need something, just holler!
Prosper in peace
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Thank you very much, Sara!!
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Sonya, here you are and I'm so glad you're here! You have such a great smile; you look like you could light up a room with your presense. Keep a good attitude and stay motivated and you move from a lifestyle of smoking to one of a non-smoker. If you hit some rough spots, just remember that they are temporary. You've got so much to live for and you'll live a much longer life when you quit. You might want to move your quit date to a much closer date. You don't want your addiction to rationalize you out of quitting. I know that it's scary, but we'll be right here with you! Jump in and just do it. You'll find that your alot stronger than you realize.
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Way to go Sonya!! Congratulations on making a decision that will give you life!! You may want to do some reading on both as well as Smoking is both a physical and mental addiction. The mental aspects of it are what makes it harder in the long run. The more knowledge that you have coming in here, the better prepared you will be!! Also, you may want to stock up on cinnamon sticks -- they are great to suck on and inhale -- they put a little cinnamon blast in the back of your throat, which is soothing! You can buy them bulk at most natural food stores! In addtition, for the first 3 days drink lots of juice. When we quit smoking our body looses blood sugar and the juice will help to restore that and make your feel better!! You have found an awesome site for support!! The more you get involved here, the more friends you will make and the more support you will get!! Way to go on your decision! We'll all be here to lend you a helping hand on the 30th!!! Take good care!!
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You go for it Sonya.

You don't need those things.

i would suggest not having a strict regimen on cutting down to so many per day.

Instead, practice teling yourself you will wait a little longer to have one when you would normally have smoked.

That way, when you have to have one, you can and your aren't torturing your body by smoke one less each day or some other such schedule.

You just have to get it in your sub-conscious that you are quitting and let your mind work it out over this month.

Who knows, you may decide to quit earlier.

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Hello, Sonya...and Welcome...and Congratulations !!! You have made the decision to choose life....and that's something to be congratulated on !!!

You have plenty of time to go through the EX program...which is absolutely the best program I have ever seen !! I have tried SO many times to quit...and failed every time; till now !! The lessons to separate yourself from the cigarettes, realize your patterns and change them....Find your triggers so you can fight them, and WIN; and all of us here to support you, answer your questions and calm your fears.
Are you planning on using any NTR's to assist you in your quit: patches, gum, lozenges...???

I look forward to helping you in any way I can...from now to the 30th and beyond !!! Good luck.
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Good luck in your quit.
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Thank you! I was thinking all of the same things!! LOL 🙂
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Thank you so much! I am on Wellbutrin and the Patch...
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