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So is it normal to be on day 3 of quit and still have craves 4-6 times/hour? Even with Chantix? I know everyone is different, and my mind sure is playing tricks. I find the NicoDemon saying/doing anything it can to try to convinvce me to light up. I had to walk by some smokers and instead of hold my breath, I took in a deep nasal breath of their smoke and it smelled so good I was disgusted. But at least Indidnt smoke., NOPE! But seriously back to my original question???

24 Replies

Jackie, thanks for thinking of me. I’m doing ok, and most importantly still not smoking! Will be 2 weeks on Sunday. Still love the smell and every now I then I find it soothing to at least smell it every now and then  but all in all, doing great


Liking the smell still is no biggie.  I have been quit for 7+ years and the smell of cigarette smoke outdoors, on a breeze, is still something I enjoy.  On a person?  In a room?  In a car - blech - not so much!!!

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Glad to hear from you.  Please believe me when I say that it gets better.  You become stronger each time you go through a crave/urge and not smoke.  Unfortunately the thought may be that but in time it too will decrease;  Stay close. Thanks for responding.  Good job staying free.  Yay

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I used chantix last year for about 6 weeks. I had more cravings the 1st 2 weeks than this time using the patch. However, after 2 weeks, I was quite comfortable not smoking. My problem was the severe digestive issues that sometimes happen when nicotine is suddenly withdrawn from your system.


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I don't like the smell but that's me and I know lots of people who do.  I didn't even like it when I smoked.  There was a group of people outside of the cafe where I work, it is a vegetarian/vegan cafe and there is an emphasis  on healthy foods.  I had to ask them to move off the porch because the smoke was coming inside.  They were very apologetic and moved immediately, I really did not want to ask them to move but I had no choice.  

I think you really have to believe that it does get easier.  I never took Chantix but I know that lots of people here have quit successfully using it.  Nothing will quit FOR you but as long as you stay committed to your quit, you will do fine.  Stay close to the site and call out like you just did, we will help you in any way that we can.


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