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Give and get support around quitting



I have been trying to quit but everytime i try i fall back on them like when i am stressed or when i have an argument with someone i hit the cigarettes can someone advise me an alternative?@#

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17 Replies

Thank you Huck3‌ for digipill.  Had never heard of it.  Here's a neat video I found on it that I thought other's might find interesting:  Brian Colbert - How Neuro-Linguistic Programming can change your frame of mind - YouTube 


Welcome to EX, you have come to the right place.  Anger has always been one of my biggest that I don't smoke and haven't smoked in over 3 years, I get angry a lot less.  I do believe there is a connection there.  I always felt so high strung when I smoked, not that I am a laid back person naturally but I can tell you that I am much less stressed than I used to be.  I know that smoking is not the answer to anything.  Please do all of the recommended reading above and plan for your quit.  You CAN do this and we will help you every step of the way.

You asked and look at all of the alternatives to smoking you now have! I'd read all I can if I were you. The answers you seek lie in the wonderful links above. Oh, and WELCOME to the community!!



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The links you've been given have many good suggestions, BUT you have to practice the suggestions.  Part of our homework as quitters is to first understand the nature of this addiction, what it does to our brains, then deal with our specific triggers.  Not all stress-relieving techniques will work for everyone.  When you find one that works for you, hang onto it and continue to employ it.  Make yourself a /blogs/Christine_Aka_Legend-blog/2014/08/22/quit-kit?sr=search&searchId=0875f2d5-ca04-4288-8c68-6182... if you don't have one already.  It's not only tanglible things, it's mental concepts that bring you back to correct focus.  Many of us, for example, copy and print out blogs or phrases that hit home with us and stick them in a binder to refer back to when our addicted brain starts it's whispering routine.

The most important thing to do when angry or stressed is turn your focus in another direction.  Don't sit there dwelling on the incident or the cause.  Change you're mind's direction.  Listening to music or going for a walk (or some sort of physical activity) are some good techniques.  Also - find something funny about it all.  Humor takes us to a different place with a different perspective!

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Here is a link to another site that has helpful information. Learning as much as you can is the key to success   

Learn How to Quit Smoking (and Make it Stick) 


Esposito you have a wonderful community here with people who know what they are talking about.  Knowledge is power.  Every time you say no to a cigarette you will become stronger.  You can do this.  You don't need cigarettes.  Just commit to never smoking again.  I know this sounds astronomical but it will get you off the hook.  Once you decide, you can actually relax.  Like others have said, smoking causes stress, it doesn't alleviate it.  Good luck!!  I've got 57 days and I am free!!!  Laura

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The answer is very simple but hard at the same time. Just don't pick up cigarettes no matter what comes your way! Deal with whatever it is that is bothering you! Get on here and read like crazy! The support you find on here will help you out so much. I am here for you!


You can do this one precious smoke free day at a time but you must stick with your quit, read everything you can about quitting smoking and Remaining Quit because there's a wealth of information here to strengthen your resolve plus we are all here to help you through the rough patches but you must come here and blog help instead you need to believe in yourself and keep stacking up those precious smoke free days! of going back to the crutch of smoking! 

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