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Give and get support around quitting



Today is day 1 cold turkey and I just found this site. Man I wish I had found it sooner. Oh well. Should I choose a later quit date in order to follow the plan or should I try to stick with it? On one hand I'm afraid I'm just looking for an excuse to smoke right friggin now, on the other hand I think there are some valuable exercises that I could do over the course of the next week to help me really get a grip on this. Help!?
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8 Replies

This is day 2 for me, and I just found the site as well. I also thought the same thing about a later date, but I have a sneaking feeling that that is just my brain trying to find a way to smoke longer. Stick with it, and I will too.
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The first few days without cigarettes you have to deal with both the physical symptoms of withdrawal and the psychological. If you've quit and you haven't slipped up yet, don't turn back! You know how hard day 1 is. You don't want to repeat this difficult day again. Day 1 is the worst. Each day after that is just a little bit easier. Hope you can stick to it and not look back! Take care!
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Thank you all for the support. I definitely could use it right now. Its almost the end of day 2 and no smokes!!! This is my third attempt at quitting, the last being over 5 years ago, but I really think I'm going to make it this time. This site is a great resource and support from you folks helps a lot! Thank you! And stick with it LL!
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End of day 2 and still no smokes!! Hope you are making it okay as well. I've had my ups and downs but I am determined. Good luck!!
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Thanks Edith. All very good advice and believe me, I am listening! End of day 2 and still no smokes!! 😉
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You're right Dan. Day 1 was the absolute worst. Day 2 pretty much sucks as well but its getting better. Thank you for the encouragement. Much appreciated!! End of day 2 and no smokes!!
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Stick with it, cold turkey worked for this 2packaday junkie. education is key, check out www.whyquit for education, determination is from within, and success is measured one day at a time, never take another puff.

Regards, RJ Free at Last 478 days after 32+yrs of feeding the addiction.
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I found this on almost day 3 of no smoking. It has really helped reinforce my reasons for wanting to quit....Not saying that I don't still hear the little voice in my head that says it would be OK to have one. But I am going to ignore it, and remind myself how nasty that one would taste now, and all the reasons I have for not starting again.
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