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Help with distractions and separation techniques

I work from home so it is the most natural thing in the world for me to have a cigarette hanging out of my mouth while I am typing. I do no light up because of cravings so much as I think "Oh, I don't have a cigarette going." I often get urges to smoke, like a timer going off, but I have only rarely had actual "nicotine fits." I think a big part of the problem is that my home office reeks fo nicotine, despite the open windown and fans, so I know on my next days off I should wash walls, etc. Does anyone else have a input?
Thank you so much for any help,
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13 Replies

I feel your pain. I too work from home, I do customer service work. and since I started working from home, my smoking habit has gotten so much worse, because I can smoke when I want, at my desk, do have to wait for breaks. I am on the Chantix, and have been doing good ....UNTIL...I walk in my home office. I have pretty much fought off my other triggers, (first thing in the morning, morning coffee) and I cant say its because the office smells like cigarettes. I never limited where I smoked, I smoked all over the house and in the car. But my office, I have to have it when I come in here
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Yeah, I don't know what it is about the office or computer area. Today has been really tough but I am thrilled to have made it as well as I have. The smell in my office is a definite trigger. Cindy gave me some great advice about absolutely stopping smoking in the office, and to change the routine of the pattern. In the meantime, i find clove oil helps take the edge off. I am no really big on prescription medications but that may be an option later if it gets too hard. My other triggers are a walk in the park compared to this office thingy. Take care of you, Lori
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You are too funny. I chuckled when I read the part about going outside and wanting a cigarette. I can certainly see how that would be the case given the duress I am experiencing in my office. I spoke with my husband to night, who is a smoker, and luckily he has agreed with me that smoking will only occur outside! Thank you for the great advice and the chuckle! I think I can really do this!!! Lori
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Thank you Mary for you insights. I need all the direction and support I can get. I am still trying to figure out how to efficiently work the website, but I am excited about quitting and I am really starting to believe that I can do this. I am EXTREMELY greatful for all the support, it REALLY helps! Lori
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